I like to share my opinion about faith and work issue.
I think it is true that by faith alone one can do many wonderful things including being saved. I think I remembered Jesus saying that one can move a mountain if you have faith as big as a mustard seed. I hope I am correct. So in theory, faith alone can save......but......we must also consider the practical side.......I dare anyone try to move a mountain with their faith right now, if one can do so....then I'll consider him/her as a saint...........
I presume no one can do this right? So again for practicality's sake......maybe one can combine his/her microscopic faith with good works to at least gain merit and eventually a ticket to heaven......hehehehehe......
Originally Posted by
FAITH per se, NOT by works (Ephesians 2: 8 - 9), NOT by faith alone (James 2: 24), although it is NOT by works (Romans 11: 6 ), Good works are our calling, and that in itself is NOT optional, because the fruit of salvation is the good works we are created to do because we are God's workmanship (Ephesians 2: 10)
That "creative interpretation" of yours is
NOT what James 2:14-26 says.
It clearly states that faith alone does not save. Works are required, and good works JUSTIFY us. Read James 2:24:
"See how a person is justified by works and not by faith alone."