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  1. #371

    Default Re: RELIGION....(part 2)

    More of your wacky PERSONAL INTERPRETATIONS WITHOUT HISTORICAL EVIDENCE TO BACK THEM UP. You make all sorts of wacky accusations but you have no historical evidence to prove them. In difect contrast, we have presented clear, documented hostorical evidence to show that the Church is the very same one Christ founded with His Apostles. The formal authority is unbroken throughout history. The doctrinal purity is preserved, which is far more than I can say for your heretical personal fantasies.
    You mean forged unhistorical and biased accounts... No apostolic tradition. No sound doctrine.... worst of all, no salvation.

    I have proven many times especially in the locked predecessor to this thread that I am part of the remnant.


  2. #372

    Default Re: RELIGION....(part 2)

    Quote Originally Posted by bad donkey!
    Quote Originally Posted by dacs
    Quote Originally Posted by RuSteD
    did you know guys that religion is a good business? Imagine you can dictate people on how much to give for it is being stated in the bible. Not to mention its tax free.

    Not in the Catholic Church. the catholic church they do not force there people to give specific monetary donation....
    ..yeah, it is voluntary to give out monetary donation but do you know where that money goes to?? In the priests' very deep pockets to finance their clandestine vices. You should listen to church-boys testimonials, it will surely singe your soul.

  3. #373

    Default Re: RELIGION....(part 2)

    Quote Originally Posted by fingolfin
    ..enough about bible verses. what about the present situation of religion today??
    What really are your concerns? Â*Your succeeding statement causes a contradiction in my understanding. Religion is a virtue. The word religion came from the Latin word religare (as endorsed by Lactantius and St. Augusting of Hippo) which means to bind. Thus it would mean the bond uniting man to God. The notion of it commonly accepted among theologians is that which is found in St. Thomas's "Summa Theologica", II-II, Q. lxxxi. According to him it is a virtue whose purpose is to render God the worship due to Him as the source of all being and the principle of all government of things. There can be no doubt that it is a distinct virtue, not merely a phase of another. It is differentiated from others by its object, which is to offer to Almighty God the homage demanded by His entirely singular excellence. In a loose construction it may be considered a general virtue in so far as it prescribes the acts of other virtues or requires them for the performance of its own functions. It is not a theological virtue, because its immediate object is not God, but rather the reverence to be paid to Him. Its practice is indeed often associated with the virtues of faith and charity. Still the concordant judgment of theologians puts it among the moral virtues, as a part of the cardinal virtue justice, since by it we give God what is due to Him. St. Thomas teaches that it ranks first among moral virtues. Â*(All text in dark red are taken from the entry in the online Catholic encyclopedia on the virtue of religion.) Â*Religion then is not the problem. Â*It is those who do not practice its precepts that causes scandals around it.

    Quote Originally Posted by fingolfin
    about the corruption done by the catholic priest,
    Specify, please. Â*If you have a cause to make generalization, let it be known. Â*Otherwise, limit your observations to specific individual(s).

    Quote Originally Posted by fingolfin
    the revenues they get from the people.
    I hope you are not Christian or practicing any form of religious practice. Â*If you do practice any form of religion with a group of people, where do get the financial support for your 'pastor/preacher/teacher'?

    Quote Originally Posted by fingolfin
    Their secret vices. I know a lot of evil deeds these people have been doing.
    Have you read what you have written before you post them? Â*This one sure need more than a little editing. Â*If the vices are secret, how did you know of them?

    Evil deeds? Â*Who has no evil deed?

  4. #374

    Default Re: RELIGION....(part 2)

    Quote Originally Posted by dacs
    Quote Originally Posted by mosimos
    I just hope that forumers here should not frequently used the Bible to support their arguments. The words of the Bible is for reflection and contempaltion. To use it to further ones argument desecrates it.
    ... same as to translate it to further one's belief.

    Quote Originally Posted by mosimos
    If the words of the Bible are used as arguments the tendency is that the interpretation would become literal.
    There are instances, though, that the literal meaning is the contextual meaning.Â* Therefore, interpreting it literally could not be avoided.

    Quote Originally Posted by mosimos
    Lets have a philosophical discourse then used the Bible as a guide to expound the meaning of our philosophical arguments.
    I agree.

    The Bible can be interpreted literally if it coincides with its contextual meaning. But some non Catholic groups would often resort to literal interpretations just to support their views, most of the time in the twisted sense.

    This is the kind of interpretation I disagree with.

  5. #375

    Default Re: RELIGION....(part 2)

    Evil deeds? Who has no evil deed?
    true..that is why every religion is bound to be flawed

    [5th reiteration]

  6. #376

    Default Re: RELIGION....(part 2)

    Quote Originally Posted by fingolfin
    ..yeah, it is voluntary to give out monetary donation but do you know where that money goes to?? In the priests' very deep pockets to finance their clandestine vices. You should listen to church-boys testimonials, it will surely singe your soul.
    You seem so easy on generalization. Â*Prove it.

    Just because you have heard of some who purportedly did such things, you attribute such act to every priests. Â*Is that a Christian act?

    Have you not read Matthew 13:24-30? Â*Are you then going to be the judge of your fellowmen?

  7. #377

    Default Re: RELIGION....(part 2)

    Quote Originally Posted by tolstoi
    Evil deeds? Who has no evil deed?
    true..that is why every religion is bound to be flawed

    [5th reiteration]
    Wrong. The one who practice religion may fail to follow some of its precepts or may act contrary to its precepts. Nevertheless, it does not mean that, in consequence, a religion is flawed. If there is such a flaw, that religion must be evaluated in and of itself.

    First swing ... (a reiteration may be forthcoming).

  8. #378

    Default Re: RELIGION....(part 2)

    Quote Originally Posted by Cardinal Bunal
    You mean forged unhistorical and biased accounts... No apostolic tradition. No sound doctrine.... worst of all, no salvation.

    I have proven many times especially in the locked predecessor to this thread that I am part of the remnant.

    Titus 3:10-11 'After a first and second warning, break off contact with a heretic, realizing that such a person is perverted and sinful and stands self-condemned.'

    Let us break off contact with this guy. It is not fruitful to do continue such contact. We Catholics have already explained our side historically, biblically and reasonably. It is time to let the Holy Spirit work in the hearts of those who are willing to listen.

    May the Holy Triune God bless us all.

  9. #379

    Default Re: RELIGION....(part 2)

    Quote Originally Posted by dacs
    Quote Originally Posted by tolstoi
    Evil deeds? Who has no evil deed?
    true..that is why every religion is bound to be flawed

    [5th reiteration]
    Wrong. The one who practice religion may fail to follow some of its precepts or may act contrary to its precepts. Nevertheless, it does not mean that, in consequence, a religion is flawed. If there is such a flaw, that religion must be evaluated in and of itself.

    First swing ... (a reiteration may be forthcoming).
    sadly the person who embodies every religious organization are mere mortals, bound to commit evil deeds..thus religion on this aspect is certainly bound to be flawed no matter how you cover up these realities.

    i am an RC, but i firmly beleive that Jesus Christ is the true religion. sic

  10. #380

    Default Re: RELIGION....(part 2)

    Quote Originally Posted by dacs

    You seem so easy on generalization. Prove it.

    Just because you have heard of some who puportedly did such things, you attribute such act to every priests. Is that a Christian act?

    Have you not read Matthew 13:24-30? Are you then going to be the judge of your fellowmen?
    ..and are those perversions being done by the so called holy-man a christian act I generalize, you might say, coz that's what's happening right now. It's hard to find honest priest these days. I have this friend whose father is a priest, every year they get the latest model of their favourtie car, the Mitsubishi Lancer, now tell me, where do they get the monetary muscle to finance such yearly update on cars. Priest nowadays dont know the meaning of "virtue of poverty". They have with them top of the line lap-tops, they equip themselves with high-end mobile phones. Where does the money come from ??

  11.    Advertisement

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