@ allister 1.2k-1.5k standard price for a quality pair... (Platinums tend to cost more than any other solid colors like Reds, Blues, Turquoise)... Platinums, you are referring to those White ones? Those with shiny, metallic-like scales are new strains called Dragons...
Niay 1k although, not the show type but are carrying good genetic material...
Any respectable breeder would not sell their stocks less than that!!!
Females cost twice more than males...
@ pyros you only need the enthusiasm and dedication (in water changing!) to have Bettas, any type Betta, anything that holds water (more than a gallon preferably) and some live feeds and you're good to go...^^
Your Betta would do the rest in enchanting you more and perhaps persuade you to get your hands on more Bettas...
If you do decide to have Bettas, we would do everything we can to help you... Just ask...
Right Grandmaster Nev?^^