Originally Posted by
Make my Day!
So istorya is for guys like you bro? hehe .. istoryahe ...
Unless of course the moderator will banned me here ...
if not then I have also my chance, not right TS, to say my piece .. and whether you will like it or not ... I never want you to change your opinion nor "force" others to follow what I think ... which I think is just opposite to yours with your "wake ups" and "calling names as "religious manic" or even "says something about "jews"! Sorry kiddo ...
the whole istorya is my judge? well so be it .. I hope they too will say their piece ... but on other other hand, they don't have to ...
Emotional? hehe .. been to more depressing situations in the world, bro. I assure you that in my posts here, never I cursed or cussed hehe ..
If I don't share your views on the Church, what is it with you? That does not even posit your being smarter than I am or I am to you ...
amazing. in all your rants you have not addressed one single point in the stuff u quoted. And u misquoted - again - the jews.
Yah u were not trying to force anyone. Thats what 'concern trolls' do: i agree with this post but i don't agree with the argument. You disrupt threads by playing the voice of reason but you ultimately sow confusion and disharmony on both sides.
Eng eng eng...sakspan!