headstart pako collect ug transformers, gamay pa coz sa budget restraints.....but if u dont mind, nangita ko ni ironhide rn basin naa mo kaila namaligya kanang affordable lang...thanks..
headstart pako collect ug transformers, gamay pa coz sa budget restraints.....but if u dont mind, nangita ko ni ironhide rn basin naa mo kaila namaligya kanang affordable lang...thanks..
start ko toy collection pero ang daghan nako kay empty original perfume bottles.
dvd movies!
nba cards
coke products
g.i joe
tin cans
ako kay friends and recently tattooo.
ako kay hilig gyud ko mag dl ug movies..
what ever year it is.. naa gani ko mga 1960s heheheh balck and white pa ang movie.. hehehe
i collect cards...playing cards...specifically bicycle playing cards...but i'm not really sure if they increase their value in time...
DVD's before..but already sold most of them.. only have around 130 left...
Blurays ...already have 113 movies...
Comics ... mostly marvel from the 90's ... X-men, Uncanny Xmen, X force, X-factor
Consoles.. PS3, XBOX360, Wii, PSP
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