say what you want.. i wont fall for your trick.. hehehe.. i wont do something that is against the interests of my ventures.. (considering unsa ka kusog mangilkil taga BIR, ofcourse i expect you to be ignorant of the extent, you only know the presence)
kaw gud.. motoo ka o dili, its up to you.. its a democratic country.. you can do pretty much everything you like..
you choose how you live your life,, i choose to live mine in abundance..
naa ta gitawag nga unnecesary attention u know.. theres a fine line between a so-called patriot and a fanatical pro-gov supporter...
sa masuya lang.. ayaw kasuko sa uban kay nalabwan ka.. dapat masuko ka sa imo kaugalingon ngano wala ka kaapas nila..
Last edited by AmorsoloX; 11-13-2009 at 07:21 AM.
clearly employado kaau og mentality... afraid to take risks.. gusto naa jud safety.. dili mo lihok except kung nakakita jud nga ni earn ang venture... if mao ni imo mentality, most probably, kung magnegosyo ka, ulahi ka kanunay
you may have reasons ngano you look for safety, probably siguro nga ikaw nagbuhi sa imo pamilya and magutom imo pamilya if wala sure imo income. mao ni imo kahadlokan? tanan naa fears ani.. but uban, they use fear their advantage.. mahadlok sila ila sweldo kulang ra para sa ila pamilya in the future, thats why they take the risk.. its not easy, but the risks are all worth it..
sa mga nagwork dire? kinsa ba interesado early retirement? daghan nagdamgo ani pero gamay ra nka achieve ani..
Ako naa ko business at the same time work pud ko call center... ako business, trucking, naa pud ko water refilling stations-- several ni sila... naa pud ko brokerage.... aw naa pa diay ko eloading business ug scrap metal business... so pareha ra ta ug negosyo.. dont ask me any proof.. tuohi nalang ko. hahahaha.
i work in a call center kay ako mga manager man ako gipadagan sa ako mga negosyo..
UNNECESSARY ATTENTION my a$$, the only businessman who is afraid of BIR are those businessman who are killing this country.
Ikaw nalang gyud ila initan... Lucio Tan ka? you're a very small fish to fry.
I never envy successful people, i am happy for them. I am successful in my own right myself. if your success is measured in terms of money, others measure it differently.
I don't compare myself with other people, for sure there are others who are better than me... I compete only with myself, on how I can do better.
What makes me puke are those who are boastful and can't give proof and making alot of excuses from BIR to freedom of speech, if gikilkilan ka sa BIR its because you are not paying the correct tax. CORRUPT BUSINESSMAN CREATES CORRUPT GOVT OFFICIALS... are you one of them?
Nindot naa imo sideline brod... before, nag sideline sad ko as agent for several credit card companies.. dako sad sila commission per approved application.... pero na undang kay di na modawat ug call center employee... so sad, blame it on their lifestyle or immaturity... karon naa pa gihapon ko sideline, lain lain lang.
somtimes mao ni nka lisud... this is reality.. naa jud mga tao mo judge nimo sa imo work or sa imo business.. kung sa business pa, nobody expects something from the waste disposal contractors.. kanang high finance serious kaau na nga field.. not anybody can enter it.. daghan kaau pangutana and background check.. trust is they key word there.. cry prejudice all you want, what they are doing is what they think is for the benifit of the company..
nindut man imo gituohan.. "earn as much as you can, spens as less you can".. although ako kay "if you want to spend more, you have to earn more"
wala pa kasugat BIR ai.. hehehehe.. gudluck..
your intentions are noble,, but your a bit off from reality...
assuming you get a 10M bonus, then you build a nice big house.. expect somebody to investigate your accounts.. somebody is very much willing to file "unexplained wealth" suit against you.. hehehehe.. the more you display your achievements, the more naa masuya sa imo..
parehas ra gud dire,, sa masuya lang gud sa mga negosyante.. hahaha.. ok ra ng suya nga dili destructive, pero lain man ng suya sa tax collectors, mo involve na man kwarta..
Last edited by AmorsoloX; 11-13-2009 at 06:24 PM.
Why is it hard to name your businesses? if naa man gani.... afraid that the truth will be revealed?
If naa ka business permits sa imo mga businesses, than name them. that's all i'm asking.
Sour grapeNo its not, its sarcasm...
I already posted here that I don't envy successful people, I am happy for them.
Is it sour grape when somebody asked for proof? you choose to beat around the bush when you are push to the corner rather than face the issue head on.
You really didn't get it... if we say something that people will believe us, we should be ready to back it up with evidence... otherwise your statements are nothing but a bunch of crap.
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