45 wpm
4-5 hrs/day
Understands english
Can edit sentences to make it readable
45 wpm
4-5 hrs/day
Understands english
Can edit sentences to make it readable
knows how to spell proper english
knows how to listen hear and interpret english
knows how to correct proper grammar and sentences to make readable
4-5 hours per day
western union
48 wpm
I understand English words
I know how to spell English words
I can edit what you hear so the sentences you write are very readable.
4 hours a day
BPI and BDO account
45 wpm know how to speak in english Able to write in english and can understand english aswell.
46 WPM
I understand English words
I know how to spell English words
I can edit what you hear so the sentences you write are very readable.
I have 12 hours PER DAY I can devote to homebased/work at home projects
I have Paypal and a BPI account
45 wpm
I can understand english
I know how to spell english words
can edit sentences to make it readable
4-5 hours a day
bank transfer / Paypal / Western Union
48 WPM
I understand English words
I know how to spell English words
I can edit what you hear so the sentences you write are very readable.
I have 12 hours PER DAY I can devote to homebased/work at home projects
I have Paypal and a BPI account
I can type 45-60 words per minute.
I understand English words.
I know how to spell English words.
I can edit what I hear so that the sentences I write are very readable.
I can devote up to six hours per day to homebased/work at home projects.
I can be paid via bank transfer
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