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  1. #341

    Default why did God create evil?


  2. #342

    Default why did God create evil?

    simple r/brey... we call it free will. we are told that we are given the so called free will. which is true!!!

    but you have a good point there... Does He really exist?

    or it just happens that we are the highest form of living creature in this planet capable of thinking yet not so advance that we question a lot about our own existence.... because human thinks a lot we are also capable to doubt on what we are thinking and at times we put ourselves and others in a very difficult situation. then we asked... WHY?


    hehe... sorry dude but the bible really is confusing in many ways... that's why until now we are not united into one religion.

  3. #343

    Default why did God create evil?

    Quote Originally Posted by r/brey
    Quote Originally Posted by nasty_kaken
    i've read so many posts about "god","evil" and bla blas... so far... only one convince me...

    evil is only a term used to describe his absence...
    the christian god can't be absent because he is omnipresent as what christians believe. now if he was absent in all "evil" situations, meaning he just lets evil happen, then he is not omnipresent and all-powerful because he cant stop the evil situation from happening. now why is that? why does evil and suffering happen every hour of everyday in the world. could god be resting and getting tired of his work, or doesnt he exist at all... now i wouldnt wanna get to that...

    peace y'all.
    hi bro!
    Why would an all-powerful God permit evil?
    God permitted evil to enter His universe as the price of freedom. Although He could have created the universe without the potential for suffering or sin, such a universe would not have allowed free creatures to exist. It would have been a robotic universe, with no more awareness of grace or God’s goodness than a colony of insects. There you have it.. hope that satisfies your question.

  4. #344

    Default why did God create evil?

    ganun ba......

  5. #345

    Default why did God create evil?

    Quote Originally Posted by Visual C#
    Quote Originally Posted by nasty_kaken
    god created us...

    we create evil....
    If God created us
    And if we created Evil
    Then God created Evil!

    If a created b
    and b created c
    Then a created c, too!
    hmmm kinsda sumthin wrong with this... pls do not mix "equal" and "created"
    if A punched B
    and B punched C
    did A punch C? I dont think so.
    the missing term is "equal"

  6. #346

    Default why did God create evil?

    Let me put this in another example:

    I happen to be a graduate of MIT, and I created for myself the first fully intelligent and independent robot. Out of the intelligence and independence of this robot, it begins to write its own autobiography. I can say that indirectly, I created that autobiography, since WITHOUT my efforts to create the robot, it would have never written the said autobiography. Gets?
    ڤيكتور البَرت جَبيلاغين

  7. #347

    Default why did God create evil?

    hi bro!
    Why would an all-powerful God permit evil?
    God permitted evil to enter His universe as the price of freedom. Although He could have created the universe without the potential for suffering or sin, such a universe would not have allowed free creatures to exist. It would have been a robotic universe, with no more awareness of grace or God?s goodness than a colony of insects. There you have it.. hope that satisfies your question.
    ok, so i suppose the christian god would just like to watch his beloved creatures suffer and die all the time. he could have stopped genocides in the balkans or the war in iraq like the way he saved all those israelites from egypt. it all just doesnt add up to a conclusion. also, a question to the fundamentalists, why doesn't god present himself to the people more clearly nowadays like the way he had in the scriptures in the bible? like the way he just magically cast all the 10 plagues to punish egypt or turn people to salt could he be doing the punishments nowadays in a more discreet manner or do we still wait for the second coming before we see all those cool miracles again?
    just an honest question, maybe the answer is in the bible so im asking the avid readers and fundamentalists.

  8. #348

    Default why did God create evil?

    maybe sa second coming... cool! di jud ko maapil ug kawala sa kalibutan kay ak jud gisve akong pagka virgin! ahihi

  9. #349

    Default why did God create evil?

    god never created evil ang mga tawo ang nagbuhat sa evil like:

    kaken! wahaha wahaha wahaha!

  10. #350

    Default why did God create evil?

    Quote Originally Posted by Visual C#
    Let me put this in another example:

    I happen to be a graduate of MIT, and I created for myself the first fully intelligent and independent robot. Out of the intelligence and independence of this robot, it begins to write its own autobiography. I can say that indirectly, I created that autobiography, since WITHOUT my efforts to create the robot, it would have never written the said autobiography. Gets?
    yeah i got ur point. but still that is indirectly.. and besides.. man didnt make evil hehehe.

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