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  1. #341

    Quote Originally Posted by GemWArrioR View Post
    read the melo report, the whole report, according to the commission their is no direct evidence only circumstantial evidence. And according to the melo report their are only few filed criminal charges against the judicial killings. why are their no filed complaints when there is so much killing happen against activists? Instead you do it on streets. I sympathize for the judicial killing victims.

    Parang di na kasali dito sa mae, because she is confirmed as a NPA.

    The NPA rebels should be blame for the death of Mae. They used her ideals so that she will join this group. Any opinions on this?
    yup, only circumstantial evidences, not direct evidences.

    let's also take note that the CPP/NPA are also guilty of extra-judicial killings by eliminating/assassinating their competition (trotskyists and social reformists) since the 1980's up to the present. According to former CPP chair Rodolfo Salas, the NPA, the military wing of the CPP, tortured and executed an estimated 1,800 cadres and civilians. WERE THOSE IN THE REPORT?

    among their competition w/ members they killed:
    The First Quarter Storm Foundation
    Revolutionary Workers Party/Revolutionary Workers Party of Mindanao
    a faction of the Cordillera People’s Liberation Front
    two regional representatives of Akbayan
    the agrarian reform group UNORKA
    and numerous leaders of the Marxist-Leninist Party of the Philippines

    let's also note that the NPA has this so called operations to assassinate ex-NPAs who went back to the folds of the law.

    The CPP has ordained itself as the one true representative of the Filipino people, and is enforcing this by assassination.

    The CPP emphasizes rural guerrilla warfare and downplays the political role of workers, even though they are 55 percent of the population. and this is exactly what Mae and 2 others were doing in Negros.
    Last edited by giddyboy; 10-11-2008 at 10:05 AM.

  2. #342
    In Negros, the NPA is also burning Ceres Liner buses particularly the ones plying the remote routes.

    And the PNP and military detachments that they raid and steal weapons from. These soldiers and cops are there to keep the peace, away from their families and loved ones.

    How about the businessmen that they extort money from for "Revolutionary Tax" and if they don't pay up, something happens to their businesses and farms. I thought they were getting support from abroad and from their sympathizers?

    A week or two before Palang died, they also burned 3 tractors. They also burned two more recently in a nearby town.

    How is that supposed to earn my sympathy? They're arsonists and criminals, destroying government and private property. And WTF, taxing people?!

  3. #343
    Hahahaha! I could have my name changed to Butt or Shit and it won't even matter. This is getting fun. The feeling of offending someone you are parodying without resorting to the use of jargon and indeterminacy is always exhilarating.

    Quote Originally Posted by The_Child View Post
    social memory becomes totally separated [from] reality... Once history or memory is absorbed by the media, it no longer refers to an objective referent, Palang issue becomes virtual.
    No argument there: whether its real or not doesn't matter. It might as well be false memories! The less real it becomes, the better for the contending parties who plan to utilize the memory to mold it according to their needs. This is in the context of the decades long conflict between the Maoist insurgents and the agents of the status quo, which forms the background of Palang's piteous death. Who is better adept at influencing gets his interpretation followed. The defenders of the present order have the advantage having legitimized their dominance through cultural institutions - the media included. This is pretty evident even from just skimming over the views prevalent in this forum. In the hinterlands on the other hand, where the intrusion of "civilization" is minimal, the rebels have the upperhand. Generations of rural inhabitants in the red bases will remember the heroism of Ka Hannah for years to come.

    Semiotic perspective? Modern discourse? Non-sequitur? Theoretical frameworks? Obscurantist? Neofreudian? Baudillard? Mediascape? Reductionism? :o Man, have a life!

  4. #344
    Sun.Star: Speak Out
    Oct. 12, 2008


    By Oliver B. Santos
    San Fernando, Cebu

    Pls. allow me to share my 2 cents on the recent killing of a young nurse during a military encounter in Dauin, Negros Or.

    I too have 2 daughters in college and 1 of them is now on her final year in Nursing while the other is a freshman in a govt school.

    As a supervisory-level employee of the company I work for, I earn just enough to get my children to school and provide them w/ their basic needs.

    Rarely is there enough for their wants, but we survive thanks to the help of my sisters abroad, who send us some money to help me and my wife to pay our bills.

    While the family of Rachelle Palang may not have the same financial constraints as mine, I would like to speak on behalf of many parents, who are probably worried about what organizations our children are getting involved with in school.

    My elder daughter once told me that she was invited to attend a rally by a classmate.

    She said NO since I don't allow them to do so to keep them away from harm.

    This does not however mean that I would not want my children to think of what is the right thing to do for their country.

    They do agree w/ me now that the right thing to do is heed their parents and work hard on their studies so that they can help alleviate the family's economic situation.

    I believe our family's dream is shared by many others.

    My dream as a father to provide for my family what they need is also the dream of others.

    And I'm sure so is my dream to keep my children safe from harm and away from the bad elements, who poison their minds and make them turn their backs to the govt and take up arms.

  5. #345
    My elder daughter once told me that she was invited to attend a rally by a classmate.

    She said NO since I don't allow them to do so to keep them away from harm.

    mo react ko ani, kung dapat rallyhan dapat jud ka mo apil as a student, like kaliton rag pag taas sa TOFI, pagtaas sa mga misc fees and etc... etc... anything na mo tunob sa katungod sa estudyante kay dapat na batucan kay kung dile mo tingog ang mga estudyante mismo ang iskuylahan mo gara og cge nag pataas sa TOFI, misc fees, and etc... etc...

  6. #346
    Quote Originally Posted by radiostar View Post
    mo react ko ani, kung dapat rallyhan dapat jud ka mo apil as a student, like kaliton rag pag taas sa TOFI, pagtaas sa mga misc fees and etc... etc... anything na mo tunob sa katungod sa estudyante kay dapat na batucan kay kung dile mo tingog ang mga estudyante mismo ang iskuylahan mo gara og cge nag pataas sa TOFI, misc fees, and etc... etc...
    Puwede siguro mo rally about TOFI if it a government-own skul. But kung private skul I think they the right to increase.

  7. #347
    Quote Originally Posted by bazarov View Post
    Hahahaha! I could have my name changed to Butt or Shit and it won't even matter. This is getting fun. The feeling of offending someone you are parodying without resorting to the use of jargon and indeterminacy is always exhilarating.

    No argument there: whether its real or not doesn't matter. It might as well be false memories! The less real it becomes, the better for the contending parties who plan to utilize the memory to mold it according to their needs. This is in the context of the decades long conflict between the Maoist insurgents and the agents of the status quo, which forms the background of Palang's piteous death. Who is better adept at influencing gets his interpretation followed. The defenders of the present order have the advantage having legitimized their dominance through cultural institutions - the media included. This is pretty evident even from just skimming over the views prevalent in this forum. In the hinterlands on the other hand, where the intrusion of "civilization" is minimal, the rebels have the upperhand. Generations of rural inhabitants in the red bases will remember the heroism of Ka Hannah for years to come.

    Semiotic perspective? Modern discourse? Non-sequitur? Theoretical frameworks? Obscurantist? Neofreudian? Baudillard? Mediascape? Reductionism? :o Man, have a life!
    a pretension of familiarity, a psychic! worthy of disdain.

    "civilization" is minimal is not sufficient to say that it is devoid of civilization. The only level of civility that is sufficient in this context is the presence of contemporary mass communication, the people in the rural areas are not the Tasadays before they were given the name, mass communication reaches them, and that is enough to make it virtual.
    The media is never controlled by any party or persons, it is its ownself. it has reach a certain level of complexity that it is beyond determinable parameters. Nobody controls the media! not even the capitalists!

    and yes by agreeing that Palang's issue becomes virtual, thus we could infer that the cause fought by reds is also virtual, an illusion, a stupid waste of life, a ressentiment actuated. They are suffering from the lack of life, miserable, lost.

    Ka Hannah ? remembered, oh please, she becomes a mere folktale in the best, in years to come.

    reductionism? obscurantist, baudrillard? etc. - for a person who disdain such terms and yet continues to present ideas that are subsumed under these is quite ironic, umm, its like those people in the red bases both in the mountains and in the streets - lost in their own moebius strip ideology plus a pessimism and hate in life.

  8. #348
    Puwede siguro mo rally about TOFI if it a government-own skul. But kung private skul I think they the right to increase.
    i don't think so, just because di.ay private institution sila maka pataas di.ay sila whenever they wanted to?

  9. #349
    Quote Originally Posted by radiostar View Post
    mo react ko ani, kung dapat rallyhan dapat jud ka mo apil as a student, like kaliton rag pag taas sa TOFI, pagtaas sa mga misc fees and etc... etc... anything na mo tunob sa katungod sa estudyante kay dapat na batucan kay kung dile mo tingog ang mga estudyante mismo ang iskuylahan mo gara og cge nag pataas sa TOFI, misc fees, and etc... etc...
    first off, we don't know what type of rally Mr. Santos was talking about. I surmise that he's not referring to campus rallies about school issues like TOFI or misc fees. He mentioned that he don't allow them to do so to keep them away from harm.
    I surmise that what he refer to are street rallies not connected w/ school issues.

    Yes, student or youth right to protest is their rights, but as obedient sons & daughters, they also must be sensitive to the feelings of their parents. They have to strike a balance with their parents' rights which is to keep them away from any harm.

    btw, are you a parent radiostar? if not, you won't really understand.


    u r mentioning "keeping the status quo". i don't quite agree w/ that. To maintain the status quo is to keep the things the way they currently are but that definition is nowhere the situation of our country. We have social reforms (i.e. CARP). We have fiscal reforms. We have reforms w/ our govt system (i.e. partylist system). And those don't fall under keeping the status quo.

    and before i forget, social reform is not the political platform of the CPP/NPA. in fact, they are against it.
    Last edited by giddyboy; 10-13-2008 at 11:04 AM.

  10. #350
    first off, we don't know what type of rally Mr. Santos was talking about. I surmise that he's not referring to campus rallies about school issues like TOFI or misc fees. He mentioned that he don't allow them to do so to keep them away from harm.
    I surmise that what he refer to are street rallies not connected w/ school issues.
    thats what i said, kung dapat rallyhan, dapat jud mo ad2 ka... of course as an adult kibaw naman ka unsay right or wrong dba?

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