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Results 331 to 340 of 456
  1. #331

    Quote Originally Posted by junmar4 View Post
    then? By the way, how would you or would you not know if NPA sila or dili when you are good liars and deceivers?
    I don't agree with the NPA's penchant for using force and threats to bring about the acceptance of their vision of society. The problem with them is that they see the world in black and white. But like the NPAs who have the mindset "either you're with us or you're class enemies and counterrevolutionaries," some on the other side also conform to the closeminded view that those who don't agree with them are NPAs, liars, deceivers, devils, rebels, terrorists, etc. and therefore deserve to be tortured, disappear, and die horrible deaths.

  2. #332
    Ako pa ninyo no kamong mga NPA or mga galaway sa NPA, kay ganahan man gyud kaha mo ug violent struggle...ani na lang. Pag-train na lang mo ug mga hitman unya hinay-hinayi ninyo ng mga samokan sa siyudad. Sama ana nila Joavan, mga snatcher sa Cebu, mga drug lord sa Cebu ug kanang inyong giingon na mga kurakot na officials. Ayaw na lang ninyo samok-samok ang AFP ug ang mga un-educated na mga tawo sa bukid. Ayaw na lang sad tawon ug ilara ang mga batan-on kay usik kaayo ang future.

    Na hala...kun kamo mga NPA inyo tipi-on na si Joavan ug kana mga snatcher, mo pakpak gyud ko hantod ugma.

  3. #333
    Quote Originally Posted by bazarov View Post
    I will not speak for Palang's family and friends, but I think we should at least try to understand her father's earlier denial as a defense mechanism for his sad, sad heart. The poor man. It must be very painful for him. It will take time for reality to set in.
    i know...

    Quote Originally Posted by bazarov View Post
    But to the point, from what I've read I believe not all rebels are NPA and not all NPA members are armed or are combatants. They have political officers, medics, reserved troops, militias, and unarmed peasant organizers in the same way that the AFP also has some sort of division of labor in its hierarchy. But armed or not, new or old, they all do political work.
    yes, all rebels are not NPA. In fact, CPP/NPA at one point in time (up to now) has been eliminating the competition by assassinating their groups’ leaders. Trotskyists and reform socialists to be precise.

    Quote Originally Posted by bazarov View Post
    Thanks for sharing that but I think this one's more accurate:

    Mae -> CEGP -> KM while CEGP -> CPP while CEGP -> Review/take/pass the exam -> Recruited to NPA and assigned to Negros -> killed in encounter
    well, that's good to know ur assumptions also.

  4. #334

    Panguwat ug

  5. #335

    Panguwat ug

    panguwat meaning?

  6. #336
    Quote Originally Posted by radiostar View Post
    panguwat meaning?

    Meaning...pareha gud nimo nauwat sa NPA.

  7. #337
    Quote Originally Posted by cottonmouth View Post
    Meaning...pareha gud nimo nauwat sa NPA.
    di ta mo below the belt bro...

  8. #338
    Quote Originally Posted by giddyboy View Post
    di ta mo below the belt bro...

    Aw sorry brod. Pasaylo-a ko hantod ugma.

  9. #339
    Quote Originally Posted by radiostar View Post
    try reading the whole report, and you say there is no sufficient evidence? you must be blind sir
    read the melo report, the whole report, according to the commission their is no direct evidence only circumstantial evidence. And according to the melo report their are only few filed criminal charges against the judicial killings. why are their no filed complaints when there is so much killing happen against activists? Instead you do it on streets. I sympathize for the judicial killing victims.

    Parang di na kasali dito sa mae, because she is confirmed as a NPA.

    The NPA rebels should be blame for the death of Mae. They used her ideals so that she will join this group. Any opinions on this?

  10. #340
    Quote Originally Posted by bazarov View Post
    What affinity for Russian literature? Is Georges Simenon Russian? Is Perec Russian? Is Malraux Russian? Is Balzac Russian? Is Zola Russian? Is The_Child supposed to be some kind of psychic? This is what we get from the excessive play of words. We begin to presume too much. And what taste for Mao or Deng? You speak of dead old men as if they were some kind of food. In short, The_Child has this predilection to talk with a pretension of familiarity that I find worthy of disdain.

    He declares that "The spectacle of Martyrdom is a part of a psychological conditioning... In our times, historians are no longer the star-makers, it is the media..." And so on... In short, The_Child effectively negated his own statement on the inability of memories to effect change in a roundabout, jargon-filled, and very cluttered (to the point of incomprehensibility) manner. To put it brusquely, he shot his own feet.

    The memory of the dead, I repeat, can galvanize change. The media has long been seen by the actors involved in this issue as an arena of conflict. How the event is interpreted or whose interpretation is eventually accepted as truth is determined by who among the two contending forces are more adept at the chosen field of battle (in this case the "mediasphere").

    Looking at his avatar (containing the image of a "philosopher" who is not taken seriously in his own country), one is bound to conclude that The_Child is overwhelmingly *** deprived. And what can one expect from an ardent reader of Batailles (another discredited Frenchman who is a writer of pornography)? The_Child's rambling reply, filed with seemingly endless repetitions of the mantra "***, ***, ***," confirm this.
    hahaha. Fine i apologize for attempting to be a psychic with "pretension to familiarity" worthy of your most holy disdain. I will attempt to follow the logic of modern discourse inorder not to be misconstrued as paradoxical and an obscurantist, which i believe (without having any pretension to familiarity), is blasphemous in your part.

    First, what has ***-deprivation have to do with Baudrillard and Bataille? It seems that you are guilty of non-sequitur. And to think, that i afterall contextualized the mantra: ***, ***, *** on the general neofreudian grounds of explaining the phenomenon? At the end, the interpretation you presented that i am overly ***-deprived or that the topic is overly sexual and totally separated from topic is grounded upon false presuppositions, either that, or plain ignorance. Your unconscious is being arrogant, a pretension to familiarity?

    Second, the problem of memory which you so presented is a form of reductionism. Memory galvanize change, but what do you mean by memory here? I refer to memory here as social memory, or the media archives (having to consider that we are in a media-hyped society) do you refer here to folktale memory? personal memory? social memory? Now if you mean social memory, then my argument remains, in clearer and more distinct manner of saying, social memory becomes totally separated by reality. Once history or memory is absorbed by the media, it no longer refers to an objective referent, Palang issue becomes virtual. The mediascape you mentioned, but you also have to present a theoretical framework of your idea of the mediascape. There are different theories of course, what logic of the mediascape therefore are you using when you mentioned the two will clash and the survivor wins to present the idea?

    Did i shot my feet? well, if you might want to clarify your terms as i did now, perhaps i just did shot my feet, either that, or you are floating in a self-contained illusion, i.e, the validity of your logic and comprehension.

    Suffice to say, i am arguing from a semiotic perspective with vestiges of Marxist ideals, and of course of the avatar you see close to my name. I say this so you may understand the logic i am using.


    The affinity for russian literature, i was just assuming, forgive if it again is worthy of your holy disdain, that your name has something to do with Turgenev's Father and Son? but then again it might be something else, but anyway, back to topic.
    Last edited by The_Child; 10-10-2008 at 09:39 PM.

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