if ang imo gi apas kay porma lng or design sa knife, then ok ra man palit ka ug kanang mga imitations of expensive knives. these fake knives belong to a category called wall hangers. There is nothing wrong with that kay iya man sad na collection. kung magpa forge diay ko ug knife using 1095 steel that looks like a Buck knife, would anyone frown on it? anyway, not all expensive knives are good knives. Naay daghan diha nga expensive knives, razor-sharp lagi but the material and design is no good (majority diha kay made out of stainless steel where some of which cannot even be tempered). Daghan ang klase sa mga knife collectors, naay mga collector ug knives that who are quite into it kay ganahan lang sila mu palit ug branded knives or naa lang sila money to buy, naa sad ganahan lang sa porma sa knife so ok ra nila mu settle for reproduction/fake/imitation, naa say ganahan ug mga forged blades kay ang ila gi apas ang quality and type of steel. just my opinion though.