brick game and gameboy advance
I played with DC action figures mostly, and there was the Spider-man for some reason. My kids play online browser games now, and the games are quite creative unblocked games for school.
Maayo kaayo ko mo 'Bala Tansan'
Chinese Garter
cashier toy, parang sa grocery haha even until now, natutuwa ako whenever I see my nephews/nieces play with those
It's hard to answer, to be honest. Because there weren't that many toys at the time. My sisters, on the contrary, had more. And we had a constant fight for every new toy. My parents and grandma already knew that my sisters and I had to get the same toys, so we didn't fight over who had the better ones. Well, if you remember I had a big doll Tamara, which I loved to take care of, straining my grandmother to sew her clothes. Now my toy is jigsaw puzzles. I want something divorcing that makes me a better person. Another favorite is the LEGOŽ Art World Map.
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