Originally Posted by
Hi rat_trap. Thank you kau. Pang hobbyist gyud ni sir.
Thanks Markee. Just drop by nya. We're here most of the time.

We have more stocks coming. so keep a look out nya for our value-meal packages sad para naa sad tay pang bato sa EMMA under 50k category. Anyway, I'll have to ask Sir Alvin Go if what I post here is appropriate when I see him because I dont want to violate any thread rules. More on this later.
Peace all!
cge wait ko anang value-meal package nice baya sad mga package ni alvin go... maynta next yr maka.proceed nako ako audio project kay na.postpone nako cuz nalingaw ko photography nya akong g.save for the project ni.adto sa camera hehehe...
make nalang nya ug thread sa BnS section sir to avoid violating any thread rules...