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transmigration does not necessarily serve the purpose of reincarnation. in a way, transmigration is a form of reincarnation for the fact that the soul is reborn into flesh again, but the hindus have debated against transmigration because its procedures is not appropriate for the occupant soul.
transmigration, as it is popularly used, is the rebirth of the soul into other organisms. example: when a baby dies, he may be reincarnated into a butterfly, or a cow.
however, the hindus have argued that the soul of the previously deceased can only reincarnate into an organism that is of the same species or one with higher sense faculties. it would be absurd for a human to transmigrate into a cockroach because the cockroach senses will not help anymore with the evolution of the occupant soul. that's why when some people begin to utter that reincarnation is like that, it only shows that they have not really understood the concept of reincarnation. its a common misnomer to interchange transmigration with reincarnation. reincarnation in the real purpose, is for the soul to balance whatever it needs to balance in the next life, a lesson to be learned, a wrong to be right, a moment to be experienced, etc, etc.. in whatever way the balance can be manifested. karma is the end goal of reincarnation. karma is balance, equilibrium, some would call it perfect Justice, or retribution or vengeance, but its not really those. those terms have human intentions, karma does not take any sides, it just balances whatever needs to be balance. sometimes we see it as retribution or payback, sometimes we see it as unfair favoritism, but this is due to our emotional attachments towards the karmic consequences happening. sometimes to really see the purpose of karma, one needs to detached himself of any personal emotional biases. a good fiction book i can recommend to understand more about this detachment from personal emotional biases is paolo coelho's book, the fifth mountain, or was it by the river piedra i sat down and wept.. but aside from books, a life long experience, maybe when one reaches old age, 60s or 70s, one can see the purposes of the happenings in one's life.. its karma.. what we thought was unfair before just makes perfect sense now that we understood it na.
the concept of reincarnation was supposed to be included in the canon law back then when christianity's foundation was put in place, but it does not coincide with the concept of heaven and hell, which requires that the mortal man having just one life, and once dead, shall remain dead until judgment day. some historians think that was the reason why reincarnation was not included in the catechesis of christianity, particularly the roman catholic church. but personally, the concept of reincarnation goes beyond the significance of the mortal man. it centers on the soul. so if u ask me, i dont really see any direct contradiction between judgment day and reincarnation. mortal man has one life only, but the soul lives forever. the soul needs a body/a medium to learn things in the physical plane. besides, in reincarnation, the soul must "forget" the memories of the past life when it is being reincarnated into a new body, and so the new mortal man starts with a fresh slate of memories. the only thing retained by the soul from the previous life is the essence of what has been learned, like for example, when one is born and exhibits a natural kindness or love for animals, one can say that in his previous life, he learned that kindness already, and it comes naturally already into this new reincarnated life.
anyway, magvacation sa ko.. hehehe.. pahuway sa ko... so catch u all next week, im taking the next 5 days off vacation!! hehehe..