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  1. #321
    Elite Member
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    Sep 2005

    Default Re: Fitness first Rant

    Fitness First? Fitness Worst!!!

    This thread is over two years old and still going strong. Which means Fitness First has not mended its ways.

    A few months ago I wanted to freeze my membership because I was going out of the country for a month. First they tried to sell me their international membership, which I was not interested in. Then they told me because of the way they did things, my freeze would not take effect until over a month hence. Which meant my membership would be frozen only when I got back!

    I know a scam when I see one, so I opted to cancel my membership instead. And of course I was given a hard time. They wouldn't stop charging my card til two months after. They pointed to a contract form provision. Unfortunately, that contract was a new one and not the same form I signed when I enrolled in 2005. The one I did sign did not have that provision (which I am sure was inserted after several complaints).

    I asked to see the manager, but the said manager was always conveniently "absent" or "out for lunch" in the many attempts to see him or her. If these excuses were true (and they weren't) what does it tell you when the manager of a fitness center is either always sick or always eating? But in any case, I'm sure the manager was huddled behind a desk, afraid to face the scores of irate soon-to-be ex-clients. It must be SOP at Fitness First for the front counter people to prevent clients from seeing the manager at all cost. No wonder the turnover of front counter personnel is high. They're like human lightning rods.

    Fitness First is nothing more than a slick, money-grubbing operation. They'll ply you with sweet talk and discounts when you enroll, but make it very difficult for you to get out. They'll pressure you into enrolling immediately so you won't have the chance to get out and talk to other people because word is out that Fitness First is all about grabbing your hard-earned money. They'll have you sign the contract right away and not explain the fine print in the back. They'll talk to you about everything except how they'll screw you if you ever try to get out. It's a big scam being run bare-faced and in broad daylight.

    That earlier comment about Filipinos or Cebuanos not being ready for an operation like Fitness or Gold's is a load of elitist horsefeathers as far as I'm concerned. But in a way, he's right. It is true that Cebuanos are not, and will never be ready for a scam outfit like Fitness First. Lisud ilaron mga taga-Cebu!

    What's to like about the whole setup anyway? Their instructors won't mind you unless you buy a series of one-on-one sessions. Their machines are always breaking down, and their showers are always under repair. And their rates are too high compared to other gyms.

    It's not like they're the only fitness center in Cebu. The day I opted to cancel my membership, I entered the gym and noticed there were considerably fewer people around. It seems people have voted with their wallets and their feet. I hope Fitness First withers on the vine and closes down. The space was of more use as a movie theater. Masdaghan pang nalipay.

    In the end, they had their way and I had to absorb the two months' additional charge to my credit card. But I got back at them. While waiting for my membership termination papers, a lady walked in to inquire and sat at the table beside us. She was on the verge of enrolling. When her account manager got up to prepare the documents, I talked to the lady and told her in so many words what Fitness First was really all about. She left. Haha! Yuck Fou Fitness First!!!

  2. #322

    Default Re: Fitness first Rant

    nice one tarmac.

  3. #323
    Elite Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2005

    Default Re: Fitness first Rant

    And to add another Fitness First horror story:

    A friend's mom wanted to freeze her membership because she was about to undergo a surgical procedure.

    A Fitness First employee asked her to produce a medical certificate.

    Who the hell did that employee think he was? A school principal?

  4. #324

    Default Re: Fitness first Rant

    I go to Coach Pacquiao's gym in JY Mall. He has been my trainer for the past 5 years.

    But i have to join this rant vs Fitness First even if im not with them.....


    They keep calling me in the office to offer this and that promo. When i say that i go to another gym and dont want to have anything to do with their promos, they say they are just offering me a free gym trial or tour or whatever.

    It came to a point that i had to get REAL rude and tell the homo on the line that in not interested in them whatsoever and to PLEASE remove my name and number from their list.

    They still kept on calling! Just like these pesky callcenter people offering loans and credit cards. I told the secretary not to forward their calls and to turn them down outright.

    Then these Fitness First people start offering my staff or whoever it is who gets to answer the phone their promos blah, blah, blah.



  5. #325
    Elite Member
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    Sep 2005

    Default Re: Fitness first Rant

    Coach Pacquiao is great! I used to work out with him at Cebu Plaza before the hotel closed down. Very approachable, dili swapang mag tudlo. Which was why Fitness Worst was such a letdown for me.

  6. #326

    Default Re: Fitness first Rant

    Coach Pacquiao has his own gym now. it's at JY Mall.

    Just try to avoid the 5-7:30 pm time slot to work out. Daghan kaayong koreano na way klaro- magdala ug water sa machines unya mahuwad, magkabuang gud ug trapo ang mga trainers kay maguba unya intawn!

    dili sad ni man-trapo sa seats ni silang mga koreano- luod kaayo kung ikaw makasunod kay ig tan-aw nimo perteng kapilit sa ilang singot. ako gyung patrapuhan ug alcohol sa mga trainer.

  7. #327

    Default Re: Fitness first Rant

    wa ghapon ni nahuman ang isue aning fitnes nga binuang'murag dugaya na ani oi..hehehehe! pero bsag daghn bad coments sa ila gym, pirting daghana jd tao ngadto...bilib ko sa ila marketing....grabh maka kuha ug members..

  8. #328

    Default Re: Fitness first Rant

    kapoy bitaw kaayo tubag anang mga taga fitness first sige panawag...

  9. #329

    Default Re: Fitness first Rant

    I wonder what happened to all those who got erroneous charges from FF. Did you guys ever get the charges reversed?

  10. #330

    Default Re: Fitness first Rant

    Quote Originally Posted by Soggy
    wow. this is so deep. like. i need our maid to explain this to me.

    That is deep gyud.... thats why you should ask your maid.... hihihihihi

  11.    Advertisement

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