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  1. #321

    Default Istoryan Writers

    @shaxyra, for now there is no definite word yet. Will post if there would be any that is good and sure

    @everyone, anyone, if you have any information of any literature/writing workshops, please share and post details.

    Until then, just read and write. There are many interesting books on the study of literature available in second hand bookstores or in a convenient library. Online, there are many sites dedicated in promoting the interest and craft of writing on any form or genre. I suggest that instead of waiting for any workshop announcements, please be proactive in your pursuit and start studying.

    One good way that most established and professional writers suggest is to find someone to emulate, be a model for you, a sort of mentor.

    Like for example, if you think you could enjoy writing romances, Danielle Steele is a wellknown name in the romance genre. Acquire her novels, read, read, read and read. Then study her use of language, how she describes her characters, her settings, the themes that she uses. How most of her plots progress.

    Once you're ready, try to write something following on her model. Do not copy word for word or use any of her characters, that's plain plagiarism! Just come up with something that Danielle Steele might write about.

    Once you're done, ask a friend who you know to be well-read to 'glance' through your story. If s/he said that its as good as Danielle Steele's.. then that is not a bad compliment is it?

    @shaxyra, I think you might enjoy writing poetry... I suggest you read up on lady poets like Emily Dickinson and Elizabeth Barret Browning.

  2. #322
    Editor-in-Chief thisbe.ara's Avatar
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    Default Re: Istoryan Writers

    diem, this is for "opening up". thanks for the insight.

    Beyond the Scribbles

    “ Butterfly jud diay!”
    My then-three-year-old baby brother once showed me a colored scribble of his and insisted it was one of a butterfly. For me, it was a pitiful representation of clouds. But he cried and insisted until I left him with his pathetic fantasies. When I again found the same scribbled drawing after one temper tantrum of mine, I caught a hint of butterfly image, and indeed, there was a butterfly.
    It has been a habit of mine to reflect so much of my life and oftentimes I result in frustration because I always find it beyond comprehension. When things go wrong, I prefer being alone and seek refuge in my reflections. It is in these reflections that I remember. Redundancy of some memory flashes serve as my reflection starters. I remember that girl who shunned Barbie dolls in favor of tree climbing.

    I remember that girl sitting on her Dad’s lap, drinking in the attention.

    I remember that girl go on through the years with a family at her side and friends she could turn to.

    I remember the swiftness of the years, the rapid transition of it all which somehow added to my confusions.

    And as I remember, I cry.

    I cry for the hypocrisy of friends.

    I cry for the things left unsaid, undone and unresolved.

    I cry for the girl who never had much.

    I cry for the girl who was cheated.

    I cry for wasting time at giving attention to people who never gave a damn about it and taking for granted those who needed it more.

    I cry for my incapacities and failures.

    I cry for a God who practices unfair division of His wrath. I cry because I blame myself.

    I cry for the incomplete feeling that always keeps me lacking.

    I cry for the victim.

    I cry for me.

    I cry because I think I had too much at too soon a time.

    I cry because I think I don’t deserve it all.

    And then I looked at my baby brother’s scribbles and it struck me. When I looked at it very closely, I was convinced it was clouds, but at an unexpected moment, at a single glance, I saw what it really was--- a butterfly. I realized that oftentimes when I look at what’s happening to me, I look at it very closely that it gets blurred to the point of losing its clarity. Maybe that’s what makes me a very confused person--- looking for answers of which I’m not sure are really there. Unlike one of my friend’s way of coping in his remembering during his drinking stupor, it cracks my head that the more I remember, the more I forget.

    I forget the loyalty of some friends.

    I forget the times spent laughing at some crazy stuff with friends over a couple of beer.

    I forget the things and people I have at the moment.

    I forget my own ways of coping.

    I forget my own capacities.

    I forget God’s boundless blessings.

    I forget that somehow, I’m a survivor because I’m still here.

    I forget that despite the lack, I’m not incapable of moving ahead.

    And because I try to remember, I cry and I forget to smile and laugh and appreciate the beauty of life. I forget I still have myself. And most of all, remembering the girl I once was makes me forget I’m not that girl anymore and that I’m supposed to grow up……
    I still have a lot of questions. I need to find some answers. And yet, I don’t want to be stuck in finding these answers by asking a lot of questions and then cry and forget things. I guess answers don’t just appear when sought because they choose the best time when one could say, ‘ It’s not so bad after all’. I smiled for the first time during the day as a line kept hovering in my mind: Too sad for a butterfly who still feels like a worm… It’s time for me to stop crawling and start to fly. It’s not easy, it takes time. And I choose to try and struggle to be there.
    I once again looked at my brother’s scribbles, marveled at kids being kids, insisting their own answers and suddenly, an acceptance: “ Buanga bitaw, butterfly jud diay!”

    erratum® thisbe.ara 2006. ©. All rights reserved.

  3. #323
    Editor-in-Chief thisbe.ara's Avatar
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    Default Re: Istoryan Writers

    hi istoryan writers,

    i was going over the first pages of this thread and it saddens me that the people who were very active in this thread are no longer here. where are you guys?
    is it the misunderstanding of time, interests, etc? was i at fault? i miss those days. but then, should we be stopped because of these forces? i encourage you to write, write and write some more. whether this be for personal or whatever intentions, never stop the fire, never let the pen go idle. a friend of mine inspired me to make a goal and never stop until you reach that goal. now, whether you are ready or not to let others read your work, let that be respected. then again, do not stop. thanks, diem.

    reggiebuang, blongkoy, giver_bert, mr biddle, diem, anniepetilla, blade_101, luthienne and all the others, thank you for being a part of this thread. and i hope that you will continue what was started. i'll always be here.

  4. #324

    Default Re: Istoryan Writers

    hallo, this. i am just around the corner as well. i wrote always but nothing like what i'm doing right now. i am trying to incorporate discipline in my writing. hehe. i have just finished a screenplay which i will set aside for a few days, get back to it again with a fresher mind and see if it needs improvement. mao na akong project karon.

    also i am waiting if there are any updates on the weekly writing game that was suggested.

  5. #325

    Default Re: Istoryan Writers

    thanks diem... it so happend that nursing books are my priority right now.. haha! i really hompe i could get more time to read.. haha.. and hey u got it right.. i do read a lot of elizabeth browning's works.. hehe

    i really hope i could squeeze in more time in writing... school's too demanding these days.. tsktsk.. hehe

  6. #326
    Editor-in-Chief thisbe.ara's Avatar
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    Default Re: Istoryan Writers

    @Luthienne: hey gurl! good luck on your screenplay. that's pretty exciting! i know you can do it!

  7. #327

    Default Re: Istoryan Writers


  8. #328

    Default Calling All Aspiring Writers! Join Istoryan Writers!

    @reggiebuang, perhaps bro you haven't realized your writer self! I believe as long as one has the passion, one has the potential!

    There is more than one way to write! Some writers are poets, others are authors for short stories and novels, some are writers for feature articles and essays while some write plays and scripts for film and TV!

    For all aspring writers or readers who feel they can write something, we must all be GOURMANDS! Try all the available avenues of writing, find your niche, your forte!

    I'll be more than willing to help you through this search by providing guides and tips! Though I am a writer at heart, I will always be a voracious Reader! Writers need Readers! Who else do we write for?!

    Calling All Aspiring Writers!

    After some consultation with fellow Istoyan Writer, thisbe-- we're going to restore and recreate this thread as a support group, study panel, resource guide, and pep squad to those who have a passion for writing and sincerely believe they have the potential to write!

    In order to do this, we have the following activities set up in mind. 1) Propose an Istoryan Writer Group Anthem and 2) Put up the Monthly Istoryan Writer Game!

    1) Propose an Istoryan Writer Group Anthem. Music is a powerful thing! It's an amazing source of inspiration! We need something that we can all relate to as writers, aspiring and pursuing. Fortunately I stumbled on a suitable song!

    It is Natasha Bedingfield's 'Unwritten'. I suggest that everyone should acquire a copy of the song. Check out the lyrics!

    I am unwritten, can't read my mind, I'm undefined
    I'm just beginning, the pen's in my hand, ending unplanned

    Staring at the blank page before you
    Open up the dirty window
    Let the sun illuminate the words that you could not find

    Reaching for something in the distance
    So close you can almost taste it
    Release your innovations
    Feel the rain on your skin
    No one else can feel it for you
    Only you can let it in
    No one else, no one else
    Can speak the words on your lips
    Drench yourself in words unspoken
    Live your life with arms wide open
    Today is where your book begins
    The rest is still unwritten

    Oh, oh, oh

    I break tradition, sometimes my tries, are outside the lines
    We've been conditioned to not make mistakes, but I can't live that way

    Staring at the blank page before you
    Open up the dirty window
    Let the sun illuminate the words that you could not find

    It's so relatable! Get the song! Feel the song! Memorize the lyrics! We'll play this during any meetings that we could have!

    2) The Weekly/Monthly Istoryan Writer Game~!

    Basically what will happen is that there will be this game in which the objective is to write something that is in line with the given theme for the week or the month. Istoryan writers who are participating will submit via email to the 'Master' for evaluation. The Master will then select among the entries the one which BEST fits the theme for the week/month and post here in Istoryan Writer Thread for everyone to read and enjoy!

    The Winning Piece will grant its creator the privilege and prestige of being the new 'Master' for the next game!

    Will there be a prize? Should there be a Prize? Maybe maybe! This is just a proposal after all.

    So, the Game guidelines will be posted something like this:

    THEME: The broad theme for which all Istoryan Writer will write for, specifics can be added for challenge. For example, 'A romantic comedy featuring a puppy.'

    CATEGORY: Will refer to the type of literary article which the Istoryan Writers will produce. It could be a short story, a poem, or an essay. These three forms will be based on the following modes:

    • Original and unpublished.
    • Written in English / Filipino / Bisayan
    • Length: 3000 words APPROX. MAXIMUM (at least 1000 words preferred)
    • Relevant to the theme
    • Absolutely No simultaneous or multiple submissions

    • Original and unpublished.
    • Written in English / Filipino / Bisayan
    • Length: 3000 words APPROX. MAXIMUM (at least 1000 words preferred)
    • Relevant to the theme
    • Absolutely no simultaneous or multiple submissions

    • Original and unpublished.
    • Written in English / Filipino / Bisayan
    • Length: 40 lines MAXIMUM (at least 25 lines preferred)
    • Relevant to the theme
    • absolutely no simultaneous or multiple submissions

    SUBMISSION DATE: Deadlines! Writers need deadlines! We need the pressure! We need to know where to END it!

    For now, these are still on the draft page.

    We would like to read your questions, comments, reactions, suggestions!

  9. #329
    Editor-in-Chief thisbe.ara's Avatar
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    Default Re: Istoryan Writers

    Good job, master diem! hehehe.. and you included our song. no worries. it is our official writers' anthem. he's right, guys! it is addictive and relatable. you MUST get a copy. yes, i am using introjection and you have no choice but to comply. hehehe..
    i'm really okay with the game suggestions, diem! let's hear more from our fellow posters.

  10. #330

    Default Re: Istoryan Writers

    Quote Originally Posted by thisbe.ara
    This is the thread for

    1.) all professional istoryan writers...
    2.) istoryans who love to express themselves through writing
    3.) istoryans who would love to increase their skills in writing
    4.) istoryan writers at heart

    If you are a writer, what is your forte? and why?

    say anything about writing (experiences,etc.) and how important writing is in your life...

    OT: maybe we can group together and write a journal or something..hehehe..
    Hello all!

    I’m not a pro but I got an article published world Business World last May.

    I also did a parody research paper. People probably don’t consider this literature, but it took me around a year to make. At times it became an obsession. There were many invitations from my friends to watch a movie or play basketball which I turned down just to do my “study.” The writing is not pretty but the citations are genuine and the conclusions sincere. It has graphs, tables and citations from Ambeth Ocampo and Resil Mojares. But I wanted to make the biggest and baddest parody, so there are also quotations from Tupac Shakur, the Eraserheads and almost unknown local musicians. Plus the topic couldn’t be anything but parody:

    I’ve been hanging out in the Music forum, and this is my first post here. I’m glad I found this thread

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