AUDIOKRAFT'S opening (dec.1)
some of audiokraft's creations:
jason yap's pajero (loud&clear)
maxxty's galant (loud&clear)
yours truly

(pajero SQ)
before cutting of ribbon
cutting of ribbon with mandaue's mayor, hon. jonas cortes
mayor cortes' reaction to maxxty's galant set-up
the big dawgs: (boss diyoy, maxxty, gahum, manda, dodong, anson, edin, rhys,etc....)

with mickey tang of focal audiomobile

jino of audevo, jason yap and mickey tang of focal

timmy with one of the pioneer cebu's(early 90's) RF fanatic mr. janjan gonzales
the shop:
some of the I.C.E for sale....more to come...