tubaga sa ni mao bani imo gusto? Listen to music that encourages you, that makes you happy, something that will influence you to become better person...
ayaw lag basi sa taga gawas bahalag mag culto2 pana cla dd2 ug mag killing spree.
mga tao dire sa pinas ba ang naminaw ug metal2 tanawa sila.
Judas Priest and Metal on Trial
On December 23, 1985, two Reno youth, James Vance and Ray Belknap, spent an afternoon listening to music by Judas Priest, drinking beer, and smoking marijuana. Then, they headed to a local church playground where Belknap shot himself in the head with a 12-gauge shotgun dying instantly. Vance's attempt was less successful, and he survived despite severe facial trauma. Requiring 140 surgeries and living in extreme pain, Vance died several years later from drug complications.
Read more at Suite101: Judas Priest and Metal on Trial: Did the Heavy Metal Band Incite Teen Suicide by Subliminal Messages? Judas Priest and Metal on Trial: Did the Heavy Metal Band Incite Teen Suicide by Subliminal Messages?
Music and Violence – The Heavy Metal/Suicide Connection
Many parents of victims have brought bands to court, claiming that backwards messages (messages heard when music was played in reverse) and blatantly aggressive lyrics were the cause of their children's violence and/or suicide
Do individuals who are suicidal find themselves drawn to this type of music, or is there some other aspect that plays a role? Studies have shown that listening to violent lyrics can lead to feelings of hostility and aggression, but unfortunately, more research is required in order to consider the results conclusive
Music and Violence – The Heavy Metal/Suicide
Heavy Metal Music And Adolescent Suicidality: An Empirical Investigation - Statistical Data Included
Of the 113 subjects who responded to the SRQ item, 59.3% reported that they never think about killing themselves, 38.9% that they occasionally think about killing themselves, and 1.8% that they seriously think about killing themselves.
Heavy Metal Music And Adolescent Suicidality: An Empirical Investigation - Statistical Data Included - page 6 | Adolescence
The hypothesis of greater suicidal risk for heavy metal fans received further support from the finding that a significantly greater percentage of heavy metal fans, as compared with nonfans, thought about killing themselves.
Heavy Metal Music And Adolescent Suicidality: An Empirical Investigation - Statistical Data Included - page 7 | Adolescence
This is a published journal.
Adolescence, Summer, 1999 by Karen R Scheel, Westefeld John S
Want more? try asking google!
Its not because you listen to metal makes them what they are. Its the environment that moulds them. I hope you know what environment means. Metal is just one areas of concern. Drugs is another one. Daghan pa brad. Read what studies suggest about METALHEADS.
Heavy Metal Music And Adolescent Suicidality: An Empirical Investigation - Statistical Data Included - page 7 | Adolescence
pass lng ko anang mga links bro.
so mao gyud ni imo gusto mahitabo sa mga tao dire sa cebu ug pilipinas?
Listen to music that encourages you, that makes you happy, something that will influence you to become better person...
pass lng ko anang mga links bro.
--- links are there to keep you informed. Its up to you!
so mao gyud ni imo gusto mahitabo sa mga tao dire sa cebu ug pilipinas?
--- Wrong!
--- Dont Listen to SATANIC Music. Mao ni ang punto
Listen to music that encourages you, that makes you happy, something that will influence you to become better person...
--- mao ni ALTERNATIVE
so mao gyud ni imo gusto mahitabo sa mga tao dire sa cebu ug pilipinas?
--- mao ni ako preferred for myself. It does not mean you have to conform with it. I am no dictator to tell you that.
--- my opinion unsay mahitabo sa cebu ug pilipinas? TIMEOUT! Music raman ta dba? nano naabot man ta og music sa cebu og pilipinas? POLITICS NAMAN NI DBA? I never said this mao ni ako gus2 imo buhaton or inyo buhaton... lols, becareful with your statement bro. Don't try to force your conclusion as mine.![]()
ngutana gani tas imong side unsa imo gusto. ug imong mga humble opinion pud kay para claro na unsa imo pasabot sa pag post.
ok claro na ha.
Dont Listen to SATANIC Music para nimo lang.
so ok na ha? wala nay mu sumpay ani.
Listen to music that encourages you, that makes you happy, something that will influence you to become better person...
--- mao ni ALTERNATIVE
this is the one. yeah right
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