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  1. #311

    Default Re: Mindless Thoughts............

    the red man with the red neck
    with the red face
    and with the red hands
    with a big ring
    on his right hand
    stared at me
    as if he was not red at all
    as if he was not living
    or maybe he struggled too much
    with living a life
    that he lost it
    and i hope i'm wrong

  2. #312

    Default Re: Mindless Thoughts............

    six years old, i wanted u to be my bestfriend
    sixteen years later, you are fast becoming my enemy
    you would have greater advantage of me
    because your beliefs, however pathetic, will guide u
    while i struggle with mine
    nevertheless, we shall do battle
    and this time, openly
    God forgive me.

  3. #313

    Default Re: Mindless Thoughts............

    night is wasted by sleeping
    that's why there are zombies

  4. #314

    Default Re: Mindless Thoughts............

    Three bottles of beer wasn't enough to bring me down...I still am very sober...

    How'd I know? I still can type.

    I wanna take a life...I am angry...for now...

    Whatever happened to chivalry these days?

    What is with 2 beautiful German women?

    What would they ever give you if you go out with them?


    Puhleez! I could tell that they never even gave the slightest damn!

    An annoying old flame...very perisistent...yet, I can resist...

    I'll be riding the seas once again...I'll be off to Ormoc...

    And I'll be staring at the moon...

    While you stare at it too...
    وليس هناك كعكه ، والكعكه هو كذبة.

  5. #315

    Default Re: Mindless Thoughts............

    The wheels are turning while my head is churning. A friend thinks I'm angry at him. I ain't. I'm pissed off by those people who lose their minds because they're controlled by their surging libido and their excessive amount of alcohol intake.

    I can't find the moon...It was supposed to be in my hands...
    وليس هناك كعكه ، والكعكه هو كذبة.

  6. #316

    Default Words to Ponder

    “Don’t feel sorry for the things that you did that did not turn out right because you learned from them. Be sorry for the things you didn’t do when you had the chance”

  7. #317

    Default Words to Ponder

    “You don’t become a better person because you’re suffering, but you become a better person because you have experienced

  8. #318

    Default Words to Ponder

    “We have no right to ask when a sorrow comes, ‘why did this happen to me?’ unless we ask the
    same question for every moment of happiness that comes our way.”

    “A happy person is not a person in a certain set of circumstances but rather a person with a certain set of attitudes.”

    "Everything has its beauty but not everyone sees it."

    "The greatest love is a mother's, then a dog's, then a sweetheart's."

    "Fall seven times, stand up eight"

    "“The World is not interested in the Storms you have encountered, but whether or not YOU brought in the Ship.”

  9. #319

    Default Words to Ponder

    cant ponder when you cant think; cant think when you cant feel; but pondering is not feeling.

  10. #320

    Default Words to Ponder

    Count the garden by the flowers, never by the leaves that fall. Count your life with smiles and not the tears that roll.

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