maayong adlaw!
it's been close to 3 months of testing the Auditor Seps on an SQ setting, and so far the results have been tremendously great. they have utterly performed well. the sound that it has been delivering has astounded us, for it has been continually improving..
We were bench testing these separates against the focal V2 / focal VR.
--charactestics of the Focal polyglass V2 / VR:
--- midbass is strong and composed. though they may lack some details but the overall music being produced is dynamic, musical and well rounded.
--- midrange is really sweet!
--- tweets; the highs are quite ok, however it couldn't give the necessary extensions for reproducing the high's. such as the shimmer on the cymbals or the realism and decay when the guitar strings are being strummed or plucked...
--- overall the focal VR is versatile, musical, and of course dynamic... this is my own opinion lang, even if these separates will have a mid - level head unit, the music being reproduced will sound good!
Auditor separates:
day one of installation and tuning
-- with some minor tuning, the sound was quite constrained, midbass was strong, however the midrange was dry, and the tweets were bright! some people asked us nga basin tuning lang ang kulang... we told them that, the problem right now is not the tuning. since we are still in the break - in period, the sound will shift / change in a couple of days/ weeks..
we would be exercising a futile attempt on making the seps sound great. our aim at that time was to make it sound decent to some degree.
one month
-- the music began to open up. the ambient feeling was wider and bigger. it had a strong mid bass, the midrange was more open, and was blending better with the tweets... however, the tweets, still remained bright. though the extensions on the highs were better, it lacked the needed control to show some contrast and details on the music instruments being played.
two months, + +
-- We have tamed the tweets! hehehehe It's extensions are far more detailed and controlled than before. it has reproduced the vibrancy of the strings that are being strummed or plucked fairly well!
The midrange seems to have blended well with both the tweets and the midbass. as always, the midbass is really kick ass strong!
Auditor Characteristics:
-- midbass is strong, and can give body to the music being played. tambok gyud paminawon.
-- midrange - when not tuned right, midrange can be quite a head ache! I guess this would be it's Achilles heel. it would sound constrained, and would have an off - timing with the tweets.
-- tweets are bright and aggressive! however, with the right combination of tuning and tweeter aiming, the brightness will somehow be lessened..
-- it is very much versatile, midbass is great! and the midrange and tweets have lots of potential when it will be tuned right.
-- my own opinion, if this will be paired with a mid - level head unit, mamili gyud ni siya ug mga music genre nga i-play. Usually this will work best with house, hip - hop, and possibly even new wave...
however, if this will be paired with a Good Head UNIT- these separates can seriously sound awesome!
For our bench test, we have run these separates with the following equipment.
head unit: Eclipse 7100
midbass amp: STEG K202
tweets amp: STEAG K201
We would like to express our gratitude to Alvin for sharing us his blessings, Jino for his unselfish ways in sharing his talent, and John for his unwavering sets of banters and amazing wit
that have driven us to do more...
Have a great day ahead!