By the way the meeting will be this coming sunday April 29, nakalimot ko sulat. Open to suggestion in terms of time na lang kay ang uban di free ani. Unsa man 5pm, 6pm or 7pm? Thanks
By the way the meeting will be this coming sunday April 29, nakalimot ko sulat. Open to suggestion in terms of time na lang kay ang uban di free ani. Unsa man 5pm, 6pm or 7pm? Thanks
Hello everyone, this is another summary of the other aquatic fauna that we have also encountered during the several river treks that we've conducted in the past years in several locations within the province of Cebu. Some of these species are native and introduced and most of them has significance to the aquarium industry. Below are their scientific and common names with the corresponding location/s where we've spotted them.
1.) Ambassis interrupta - Long-spined glass perchlet
Badian and Dalaguet.
2.) Ambassis nalua - Scalloped perchlet
Badian, Dalaguet and Balamban.
3.) Anguilla malgumora - Indonesian longfinned eel
4.) Antennarius biocellatus - Freshwater Frogfish
Note: This species was spotted far from the river mouth, dwelling in fast flowing waters.
5.) Channa striata - Chevron Snakehead
Cebu City, Carcar and Balamban.
6.) Chelonodon patoca - Milkspotted puffer fish
Badian and Ginatilan.
Note: This puffer can be kept in a Brackish aquarium and does well fed with small aquatic organisms.
7.) Clarias batrachus - Asian Walking Catfish
Cebu City, Carcar, Balamban, Toledo etc.
8.) Crenimugil heterocheilos - Half fringelip mullet
Dalaguet and Balamban.
9.) Lutjanus argentimaculatus - Red Datnoid
Badian, Asturias and Dalaguet.
Note: Red Datnoids are not true Datnoids bur are related to them.
10.) Microphis brachyurus - Short-tailed pipefish
Note: Swims more often and effortless that the other commonly encountered species.
11.) Microphis leiaspis - Barhead pipefish
Dalaguet, Balamban, Asturias and Samboan.
Mostly a bottom dweller and has been observed feeding on eggs directly from berried shrimps.
12.) Periophthalmus argentilineatus - Barred mudskipper
Badian, Toledo, Dalaguet and all river deltas visited.
13.) Poecilia reticulata - Wild Guppy
Seen in almost all bodies of water visited.
14.) Scatophagus argus - Red/Green Scat
Sogod, Badian, Dalaguet and Ginatilan.
15.) Stegastes otophorus - Freshwater Gregory/Damsel
Note: This is a rare species of Damselfish and has been spotted once in Badian. The specimen collected did pretty well in a slightly brackish aquarium.
16.) Terapon jarbua - Target fish
Badian, Ginatilan and Samboan.
17.) Toxotes jaculatrix - Banded Archer fish
Note: Abundant in Dalaguet and have not been spotted elsewhere, but reports says that this species can also be seen in Consolacion, north of Cebu.
18.) trichogaster trichopterus - Three Spot Gourami
19.) Xiphophorous helleri - Red Swordtail
Note: Several variety and morph have been spotted in the rivers of Tabunan including the tuxedo, green and apple swordtails.
20.) Zenarchopterus dispar - Feathered river-halfbeak
Seen in all river deltas visited.
We do not claim ownership on all the pictures used.
Uu nindot gyud, gi snob raman na nimo, katung gi tunulan tika ana sa Badian hehehe
Gi post nako so far sa akung ma hinondoman nga mga fauna... e check lang sa summary ang Glassy.
Check number 6 sakpan nagyud ang SN ni puffer hehehe sakto ka, dili gyud diay siya Takifugu
Last edited by dingo spike; 04-26-2012 at 05:10 PM.
Masters, pwede magconsult? WHich looks better:
or C:
nindot ang B ^_^
mga migo naa nsd ko mg samuk2.. hehe nka palit ko 48x20x20 nga aquarium the other day pro limpyohanan au cya.. nsay maau ilimpyo anang mga lama2? tia
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