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Results 301 to 310 of 413
  1. #301

    Quote Originally Posted by CatstevenBetonio View Post
    1. Because it spreads immorality disguised as "culture trends", "art", and "fads"
    2. Because it promotes atheism and makes no acknowledgement of God
    3. Because the stories promote violence and immorality a lot, proving to be a threat to Filipino culture and values that are based on Christianity
    4. Because they make children violent, impulsive and go homosexual
    5. Because they stop people from going to church, reading the Bible and worst of all, it stops them from praying to God

    Anime should be banned. This way, Filipino life and culture will be preserved, and Cebu's way of life will benefit from the moral cleansing.

    Nganu di man ka ganahan ug Anime nga Murag man ka Ug Dagway ni guy sensei?

  2. #302
    Dynamic Action!! xD

    nyahahaha mao2

  3. #303
    Quote Originally Posted by SioDenz View Post
    Nganu di man ka ganahan ug Anime nga Murag man ka Ug Dagway ni guy sensei?
    kong mo smile pa ni sya mo kislap unta ni iya ngipon

  4. #304
    lols... kuha jed kaayo

  5. #305
    Quote Originally Posted by NANZKY View Post
    lols... kuha jed kaayo
    Do you let your religious beliefs influence your perception on anime?

  6. #306
    pag hilom dha TS ui.mura sad ka walay tanaw tanaw ug anime sa inyo.Silingan ta ui.kita ko nimo nga everyday gani ka mag ug hen tai..naa pa kay pina decency decency dha ha. Kadto bitaw nag tagay ta anime ra man atong gi Ganahan lang jud ka sa feeling nga naay makig debate nimo mao nang nag mugna mugna ka aning thread..

  7. #307
    Quote Originally Posted by CatstevenBetonio View Post
    And then there is this homosexual look on male characters. These characters set bad examples for the youth.

    I think you're describing yourself

  8. #308
    Dear CatstevenBetonio

    Let start with a quote from St. John Bosco. An idle mind is the devil's plaything.

    Why? I think wla ra kay lingaw unya g-trippan lang nimu ang anime. It is merely a form of entertainment not meant to be treated seriously.

    So what if naa'y indecency ug violence. Can you not see this on other genres? Descretion na na sa nagtan-aw if sundon niya ang mga violent & indecent scenes. Plus...I have not heard of news about an anime fan making a scene because he saw it on his favorite anime show.

    If you're looking for a debate topic..anime is a bad choice. Why? Most people like it. Not me though (can't tell you why coz that's not part of my point.) They wouldn't waste their time arguin on whether to ban it or not.

    Oh by the way "Why anime should be BANNED"...tsk3x subversive basahon.

    Kinsa ka to tell these good people what to watch & not watch? Wla man gani kabout ilang mga ginikanan nila ikaw pa kaha.

    Dude you sound like a facist dictator to me & that's what I hate about this thread. This should be reported to the authorities on this forum. I respect everybody's freedom to chose what they do on their spare time. I don't respect somebody who nitpicks on what people chose to do on their free time.

    Besides...last time I checked this is a free country. You do have a right to call a ban for anime but didn't you ever think it was waste of time? Did Anime ever had a major negative impact to our society? I don't think so. Anybody else?

    Dude, Three words....GET A LIFE!

  9. #309
    bros and sistah respect pud tawn gamay sa TS...yaw palabi mu ug yaga2x wui kamo jud

    ana man jud na depende, lain2x man tah ninyu ug gusto magrespitaray lang tah

  10. #310
    C.I.A. moy1moy1's Avatar
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    A message to the one who post this thread.

    I have this friend of mine that i pitied most because her hobby of being an anime fanatic has ill effects on her. She's so addicted to any anime of any genre yet she always confuses anime from reality.
    But, stepping it aside, She is the one who entice me to go drawing. I have this talent of mine as being spatial yet drawing anime/manga? Why not try?

    Now, Im still developing my drawing skills in this field yet I didn't lost the true sense that this is entertainment. Yes, Ive seen people in cosplays that aside of the role they are playing, they are so attached to it that they perform such stupidity in the stage. I pity them. Still, it is inevitable that in a person naa juy musimang.

    In my childhood days, I;m a fan of DragonBaLL, YuYu Hakusho and Flame of Recca, and I'm considering them as "cartoons" not anime at that time. It's true that the story depicts on violence yet I, so to say, did not get any of those things. Parental Guidance is the clue and the key to a person. Karon, kug Naruto, an anime whom have mix genres. Yet I understand what kishimoto meant on the story. Still, I keep the sense of reality.

    My friend, a person is smart, people are dumb,panicky and dangerous animals in this world.
    It's not true that It influences destruction of Filipino values and principles of the law of God.
    It's up to those people whom addicted to it and lost their path, isolating them and alienated them to the society just because of anime. I am a Christian, so I know when to stop if it is a hindrance to me as a developing person.

    Anime should not be banned. Mypa muhatag nlng ka ug seminar about this matter.
    Look, I draw anime, I watch anime, yet d japun ko kalimut ug pagtahud(respect) sakun gininkanan.
    Basta, this is all i can say. K2 pun naghemantay sa nawng sa nag post sa thread, God is watching you. Ayaw sad pag en.ana mga guys, peace lang, cut out the tension and try to understand the situation.

    WeLL, thanks for reading, to anime!

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