hehehehe mao gyud ngano na siya oi...
They're referencing the "Nooooo...." by Darth Vader added by Lucas to the new BluRay version of the "Return of the Jedi" a few months back. Many Star Wars fans didn't like it and made such a fuss about it.
Check darth vader blue ray no - Hanapin sa Google for more info
Also, the fact that Lucas is going to release 3D versions of the New Trilogy (Stars Wars I-III) might also be a contributing factor to the comment.
sooooo love s5 e10! ShAmy!hehehe
i have always wanted to buy that batman classic shirt by sheldon.crap didn't find any junkfood stores around here.
^^hahaha..mao jud
OT: how can I use the Spoiler Hide/Show?
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