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  • sure! why not?!

    41 46.07%
  • no way!

    48 53.93%
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Results 291 to 300 of 359
  1. #291

    Quote Originally Posted by rics zalved View Post
    let us not judge them diha2x dayon, let us speak the truth in love lang sa ila, we have to judge rightly....
    Sakto. That's why we preach repentance. Pero kaning mga di motoo sa bible unya e justify na hinoon ilang sala dapat undang nalang nig simba oi.. kalas2 lang sa panahon. Kay sa tinod-anay lang the church is for the redeemed not for the unrepentant heart. The mistake of the modern church is we tolerate sin. We don't tell our brothers to repent. We allow carnal people inside the church. We no longer follow what Paul said in the Corinthian church "What business is it of mine to judge those outside the church? Are you not to judge those inside? God will judge those outside. “Expel the wicked person from among you.”

  2. #292
    Gays and Lesbians in Churches
    • sure! why not?! •
    Should the church allow gays and lesbians to be ordained as priests and/or nuns?
    • no way! •

  3. #293
    Tomboy madla pa guro mahimong nun,

    pero Bayut ma Pari ambut lang kaha ...
    Last edited by Alenceo Bao Studs; 05-14-2015 at 03:36 PM.

  4. #294
    I think OK ra ang gays & lesbians to be ordained as priests and/or nuns.
    It's not their fault nga ing-ana sila.
    However, they should present themselves as men (for gays) and women (for lesbians).
    They should not show obvious signs that they are gay/lesbian in front of the people.

  5. #295
    Me it should not be the case!

  6. #296
    mabutang nga ang bayot madre ang tomboy father...cant imagine ma madre si vice ganda,haskang samoka haha

  7. #297
    Kung membro or maging membro OK lang peru kung bigyan ng katungkulan sa simbahan! Hindi pede yan!

  8. #298
    if they aren't breaking the law (any law, biblical or whatever) its okay.

  9. #299
    kalas kaau nig biyendita ang mga pari kai ila man i limugmug.....

    oki raman...pero kung makasala ni sila... pahamtangan jud unta sa saktong silot dili tagu2an sa ilang simbahan....

  10. #300
    i don't think the church will allow any self-confesed member of the LGBTQ to be ordained as priest or nun. but then i guess if they never practiced any forbiden sexual practices basin. church is too hypocrite for that.

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