Originally Posted by
rics zalved
let us not judge them diha2x dayon, let us speak the truth in love lang sa ila, we have to judge rightly....
Sakto. That's why we preach repentance. Pero kaning mga di motoo sa bible unya e justify na hinoon ilang sala dapat undang nalang nig simba oi.. kalas2 lang sa panahon. Kay sa tinod-anay lang the church is for the redeemed not for the unrepentant heart. The mistake of the modern church is we tolerate sin. We don't tell our brothers to repent. We allow carnal people inside the church. We no longer follow what Paul said in the Corinthian church "What business is it of mine to judge those outside the church? Are you not to judge those inside? God will judge those outside. “Expel the wicked person from among you.”