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  1. #21

    1. To defend the legal interest of their clients and uphold justice...
    2. gamay nalang jud kaayo ang tarong ug masaligan... people that can't be bought into defending a case whom they know the client is guilty or throwing a case for money.. thats what i think

  2. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by makie View Post
    I'm just wondering, if obvious na kaayo nga guilty ang client, kinahanglan pa ba gyud na idefend sa lawyer? I mean, yeah, I know that we have this "innocent until proven guilty" but of course, before the proclamation, the lawyer for sure will know whether the client is guilty or not. On a moral point of view, can anybody clear this out?
    According to the Code of Professional Responsibility
    Chapter 4 canon 14

    however, the lawyer cannot decline to represent a person for the SOLE reason of the latter's 1) race 2) $Ex 3) creed 4) status in life or 5) because of the lawyer's opinion that said person is guilty of the charge. The administration of justice does not discriminate against any on grounds of nationality, religion, $Ex or status of life.

    A lawyer cannot refuse to undertake the defense of an accused person simply because he believes that said person is guilty. For if the lawyer does so, he assumes the character of a judge. More importantly, innocent persons who are victims only of suspicious circumstances , might be denied proper defense . The lawyer should defend the accused by all fair and honorable means that the law permits regardless of his personal opinion as to guilt of the said accused.

    It is axiomatic that no lawyer is obliged to act either as adviser or advocate for every person who may wish to become his client, but once he agrees to take up the cause of a client, the lawyer owes fidelity to such cause and must always be mindful of the trust and confidence reposed in him.
    Last edited by umehime00; 02-07-2013 at 03:56 PM.

  3. #23
    Generally, A lawyer should endeavor by all fair and honourable means to obtain for a client the benefit of any and every remedy and defense which is authorized by law. It should always bear in mind that the profession is a branch of the administration of justice and not a mere money-making business. If anyone knows some more details about the topic, Please share that details.

    what is a qualified domestic relations order

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