maybe she's right bro.. laboratories lang, pero wala'y computers..Originally Posted by junmar4
maybe she's right bro.. laboratories lang, pero wala'y computers..Originally Posted by junmar4
Why criticizing Gloria about educational system? Unsa diay gamit sa mga past presidents? Na-sulbad diay sauna ang education problem sa mga former presidents?Originally Posted by junmar4
i guess presidents and public officials have nothing to do with it. it will boil down sa teachers and students. if teachers are dedicated and students are motivated enough, maski wala'y budget mangita jud na ug paagi. education is not limited to the four-walled classroom. it could be anywhere, too bad almost everybody is not willing to learn. its all in the mindset and discipline
Sakto gyud.Originally Posted by makoyvelasco
Ang problem gud diri sa atoa kay we always blaming the government. Unsa man ang gisulti ni U.S. President John F. Kenedy, "ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country".
To think, karon mas taas pa sa oras ang gihigayon sa computer games and chat. Kung buot huna-hunaon na dali ra nimo makat-on gamit sa internet.
you got the point their bro!!!Originally Posted by eax
this is actually good. it means we're not dull, we have potentials. di baya sayun ang computer games kat-unon, yet, mga tao dali ra kaayo makakuha, especially ang mga batan-on. one thing, computer games could easily spring up the interest of people, thats why maski unsa kalisod, paningkamutan gyud. if we have that attitude towards education or learning, nindot jud unta kaayo. redirection of attention lang siguro ang kulangOriginally Posted by eax
mao ba? have you gone to the mountain barangays? adto didto then ingna ko nga students are not willing to learn when they walk kilometers just to go to school!Originally Posted by makoyvelasco
naa diay internetan sa bukid?Originally Posted by eax
***wala nako giblame ang gobyerno, I am just asking to do their part instead of sige panghinambog sa ilang nahimo. Then ang ila ra ba gibasihan is just the cities, especially NCR. Unya, sila ra diay Pilipinas?
Sakto ka pare. What about during Marcos, Cory A. and Erap Estrada's terms? Mga bank accounts man ila gi una ato, diba?Originally Posted by eax
Did I accuse GMA sa tibuok educational system? ang ako gipakita is ang iyang gipanghambog nga achievement pero dili makita. I was talking about computer laboratories.Originally Posted by eax
At least naa siya vision. Compared sa mga previous presidents. Kung dili ka ganahan ni GMA? Kinsa diay mga presidents na sakto niya ang educational system? Especially presidents after ni Pres. Marcos.Originally Posted by junmar4
Kung in terms pud sa computer I think puwede man ta mo apil sa One Laptop Per Child (OLPC). Kana siya para gyud na sa mga poor countries.
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