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  1. #21

    Default Re: unsa best answer ani nga question during job interview

    best answer is the honest answer...

  2. #22

    Default Re: unsa best answer ani nga question during job interview

    Quote Originally Posted by Wynna View Post
    what is you greatest achievement ?

    Sitting here in front of you, being interviewed and hopefully get hired

    what is your expected salary?

    Compensation wouldn't matter to me at all, however it all depends on how you find me capable of doing. Then pay me with whatever amount you think would be worth my stay here in this company

    where did you see yourself 5 to 3 years from now?

    5 yrs from now? I would definitely be in that position your'e in right now..

    CONFIDENT much? hehehe
    pinaka choy nga answer.. hahaha.. nice one...

  3. #23

    Default Re: unsa best answer ani nga question during job interview

    Just my two cents ha:

    what is you greatest achievement ?

    Getting the necessary skill set and qualifications that made me confident enough to apply for this job. Of course, I don't put limitations to what I can do so this greatest achievement is only good for today. Who knows what I can do tomorrow, given the opportunity?

    what is your expected salary?

    This is tricky. Before I go for an interview, I make it a point to find out what the employer is willing to pay for the position. Also, it would matter if you have had previous work experience. If you do, then quote an amount that's a little higher than your last salary pero reasonable ha? If it's your first time, I think it's okay to say " It depends on how much you're willing to pay me. I can start with your entry level rate just as long as I'm given the opportunity for an increase later on, of course, pending my excellent performance "

    where do you see yourself 5 to 3 years from now?

    3-5 years from now I will have gained the expertise necessary to run my own company. Whether I will actually be doing that or not, remains to be seen. But definitely, I will be somewhere at the top, being paid for doing what I love and surrounded by people who make me happy. I will have made several mistakes but the lessons I have learned and the use I have made of them will have made me a very successful person not only in my career but also in my personal life.

    Generic nga tubag, TS, but lisod man gud mg specify kay wa ko knows unsa imong master plan in life. hehe. so far, ni work raman pud ning mga tubaga para nako. suwayi lang nya. hehe..

  4. #24

    Default Re: unsa best answer ani nga question during job interview

    Ma high blood jd ko ani na mga pangutana, one time akong g.tubag kay:

    what is you're greatest achievement ?
    - My girlfriend, i just love her so much.

    Dah!!! wala ma dawat!!!! hahahahahaha

  5. #25

    Default Re: unsa best answer ani nga question during job interview

    choooy! pd ni nga 2bag o... +100 ko ani! B-)

    Quote Originally Posted by Wynna View Post
    what is you greatest achievement ?

    Sitting here in front of you, being interviewed and hopefully get hired

    what is your expected salary?

    Compensation wouldn't matter to me at all, however it all depends on how you find me capable of doing. Then pay me with whatever amount you think would be worth my stay here in this company

    where did you see yourself 5 to 3 years from now?

    5 yrs from now? I would definitely be in that position your'e in right now..

    CONFIDENT much? hehehe

  6. #26
    C.I.A. Wynna's Avatar
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    Default Re: unsa best answer ani nga question during job interview

    Quote Originally Posted by one try kid View Post
    Ma high blood jd ko ani na mga pangutana, one time akong g.tubag kay:

    what is you're greatest achievement ?
    - My girlfriend, i just love her so much.

    Dah!!! wala ma dawat!!!! hahahahahaha
    ahahaha! pwede muligid!? bitaw shudi ma highblood oi, ok ra na at least honest ka!! di toh ka relate ang nag recuit nimo kay wa tingali toy uyab haha

  7. #27

    Default Re: unsa best answer ani nga question during job interview

    actually, ang hr sa company kay asawa sa CEO sa company.

    gi.pangutana cguro niya iya bana "what is your greatest achievement?"
    tubag sa iya bana "my company"

    dako.a gyung gubot, naa jd na tulog sa sala atoh bah...

    ako na pagan ra ko. hahaha

    Quote Originally Posted by Wynna View Post
    ahahaha! pwede muligid!? bitaw shudi ma highblood oi, ok ra na at least honest ka!! di toh ka relate ang nag recuit nimo kay wa tingali toy uyab haha

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