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  1. #21

    Default Re: Ivy Bridge Quick Temperature review - by CrasHBURN (warning: lots of images)

    Quote Originally Posted by Dk.Enigma View Post
    wew, p4 ? wow nice example bro, huna-hunaa lang gud ang presyo sa duha... kung wala kai nindot na watercooling system will you take the risk of having Ivy ,considering it's price value then masunog ra cause of our country's temp.? Dali ra ka makaingon ana cause p4 man imuha... If you read my comment properly you will understand there that I was talking about Ivy Bridge will not be good if you don't have a good cooling system and I also said di xa recommended for ordinary users(as of today na in-ani pa ang temp sa ilang Ivy) cause mahal sd ang water cooled or ang mag-aircon... agree nka?

    c'mon man ...lets read and think.

    Anyways, TS nice review..very detailed...!♥U

    "ordinary" users don't overclock,. and so far ang heat issues sa ivy comes when you overclock those processors,...

    and i think gi base ni boss lloyd_joy ang iyang example na p4 sauna,.. sauna,... so mahal pa nang p4 and wa pa kaau mga nindot na cooling systems sauna,...

  2. #22

    Default Re: Ivy Bridge Quick Temperature review - by CrasHBURN (warning: lots of images)

    stress test temps ra bitaw na, unless mag sige kag video encoding or similar nga 100% utilization jud. keep in mind summer pud run (although murag ni bugnaw na gamay ug sugod na ulan-ulan). kudos sa review, usahay ra jud makakitag inani sa ato hehe

    **na mention man diay kabahin video/3D rendering, tapulana jud nako mgbasa oi hehe

  3. #23

    Default Re: Ivy Bridge Quick Temperature review - by CrasHBURN (warning: lots of images)

    ^ a + for a nice test/review sir. very informative.

  4. #24

    Default Re: Ivy Bridge Quick Temperature review - by CrasHBURN (warning: lots of images)

    temp with the said proci is manageable.. of course OC'ing increases both performance and temp jd.. given naman na. Naa naman pd na sa name dba "stock cooler" para "stock configuration" .. automatic man guro na mag ilis kag cooler kung mag OC ka, and water cooling is not really the only option if mag OC ka.. di lang jd hinuon ing-ana kabugnaw compared sa tubig but at least you get what you pay for sa imu cooler.

  5. #25

    Default Re: Ivy Bridge Quick Temperature review - by CrasHBURN (warning: lots of images)

    Ok rman na kaau ang temp bsan pa 90c ayaw lng 80c. Trolol.

    Btaw, on topic, nice review. Pero i think dli hinoun sya power saver bsan ubos2 ang volts karon sa pgoc kay mao rman ghapon bawi ra sa aircon na gastos ug sa cooler. But yea even if wla aircon ug stock cooling mada ra pero i wouldnt be comfortable playing/modeling knowing that my cpu is about to cook an egg without a bacon. :Retard: Thats my opinion.

  6. #26

    Default Re: Ivy Bridge Quick Temperature review - by CrasHBURN (warning: lots of images)

    i think even full h2o cooling setup init gihapon ang ivy relative to sandy counterparts. inherent ihs design of ivy is the reason.

    nice comparison tests ts...

    what ide like to see is oc temps of ivy @ 4.6-4.8ghz and 2600k @ 5-5.2ghz - kung puede lang ts?

  7. #27

    Default Re: Ivy Bridge Quick Temperature review - by CrasHBURN (warning: lots of images)

    Whats the temp with aircon off stock hsf idle and max?
    Also where did you buy your ivy? I'm looking to upgrade soon.

    This is stock hsf with aircon? Seems high

  8. #28

    Default Re: Ivy Bridge Quick Temperature review - by CrasHBURN (warning: lots of images)

    with/without aircon the results are pretty normal for a procie oc'ed and stressed at 100 percent what more if at stock and real time usage lang? And why bring up using h20 cooling when the results obviously shows aircooling will suffice. Reread the results naa na tanan dha.

  9. #29

    Default Re: Ivy Bridge Quick Temperature review - by CrasHBURN (warning: lots of images)

    Quote Originally Posted by PagkahomotSAimongUTOToi View Post
    Ok rman na kaau ang temp bsan pa 90c ayaw lng 80c. Trolol.

    Btaw, on topic, nice review. Pero i think dli hinoun sya power saver bsan ubos2 ang volts karon sa pgoc kay mao rman ghapon bawi ra sa aircon na gastos ug sa cooler. But yea even if wla aircon ug stock cooling mada ra pero i wouldnt be comfortable playing/modeling knowing that my cpu is about to cook an egg without a bacon. :Retard: Thats my opinion.
    Aircon is not a need, it is your choice. Again, playing games won't be a problem since games won't give you 100% CPU load, same with modeling or professional designing. During rendering of course CPU LOAD will go 100%, and (again) as I mentioned in page 1, if you don't like the heat, simply don't overclock. Thanks. Also, you can't cook eggs at 80-90 deg C hehehe joke (but true).

  10. #30

    Default Re: Ivy Bridge Quick Temperature review - by CrasHBURN (warning: lots of images)

    Thanks sa review boss Tolits.

    Lets Chill!

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