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  1. #21

    Default Re: How much would this setup cost?

    Hi guys. Went to Gaisano Interpace yesterday (pinaka duol sa amo + good reviews so I think I'll be buying there) and asked for a quotation.

    Casing: Frontier Vision VS04A-BK/BL       : 1,895
    CPU   : S-1155 Intel i5-2500 3.3Ghz 6MB   : 9,015
    HD    : SATA 1 TB Samsung HD103SJ         : 3,585
    MB    : S-1155 Asus P8H67-M LE DDR3 USB3  : 5,250
    Memory: Kingston 4GB DDR3 KHX1600C9AD3    : 1,895
    PSU   : SS 500W ST50F-ESL4                : 2,795
    VGA   : PWRCLR HD6850 1GB GDDR5 HDMI      : 8,150
    I'd really like to keep it under 30K, since I still have to buy a monitor and also a UPS. The video card seems to the only one I have the luxury of choosing cheaper ones.
    I looked at their online price list (the online prices isn't the same with the quotation?), and these cards seem pretty good at half the price.

    Radeon 6670 DDR5 128bit 1GB - 3,995
    GeForce 250 DDR3 128bit 1GB - 3,850
    GeForce 440 DDR5 128bit 1GB - 3,695
    GeForce 440 DDR3 128bit 1GB - 2,695

    What's the difference between DDR5 and 3? 128bit and 256 bit? Again, I just want to be able to play Diablo 3 at full/high settings (Starcraft II is a good benchmark). I can just upgrade the video card in the future.

    Which of the above should I go with? I really like the GeForce 440, since it's the cheapest in the list, but it isn't the video card ranking list in the pinned thread, but the 6670 is. Or maybe there's a better one in their list?

    Last edited by ares623; 10-31-2011 at 07:10 AM.

  2. #22
    C.I.A. pinoy's Avatar
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    Default Re: How much would this setup cost?

    add nalang gamay for your procie para ma i7 na deretso boss

  3. #23

    Default Re: How much would this setup cost?

    hmm i5 is good enough for me. Also I'm trying to keep it under 30k, which is why I was asking for suggestions on the video card.

  4. #24
    C.I.A. eXpLoDe's Avatar
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    Default Re: How much would this setup cost?

    naa ra aning duha imong pilian kay hinay na ang uban.

    if gaming purpose choose ati. if multi-purpose with editing go nvidia.
    Radeon 6670 DDR5 128bit 1GB - 3,995
    GeForce 440 DDR5 128bit 1GB - 3,695

    here's the comparison between the 2 GPU.
    Video Card Comparison -

    or kita ka ug 2gb nga gt440 payts na kaayo.

  5. #25

    Default Re: How much would this setup cost?

    buy it all at once bro in a single store kay mka.less kah, sometimes mk.less ka plus m.minusan pjd k sa bundle package, k around 2K.

  6. #26

    Default Re: How much would this setup cost?

    thanks sir! ngano diay hinay ang uban? by how much? hehe. wla man sa ila list ang 2GB GT 440.. I think I'll go with the Radeon..

  7. #27

    Default Re: How much would this setup cost?

    ah uu m-hangyo ko didto suway. hehe. mgpa hangyo ba na ang Gaisano Interpace?

  8. #28

    Default Re: How much would this setup cost?

    im not sure ha, but think ang cards like 6670 and 440 are mid end sa ilang series...

    if you play a games.. bcin kana na cards can handle diablo 3 in their limits na cguro. or what bsta better if mg invest ka sa Vcard and sa Proci.

    @TS. imong gepa apil na mobo, nahan jd ka ug naay usb 3.0? coz it doesnt work if you dont have a usb3 na external or what ever. hehe naay mga mobo na cheaper. bcin mka save kag few bucks

  9. #29
    C.I.A. eXpLoDe's Avatar
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    Default Re: How much would this setup cost?

    mahangyo pana. much better if i cash nimo part by part.

  10. #30

    Default Re: How much would this setup cost?

    aw dili mo work ang USB 2 devices sa USB 3? Ok so if I can save on the motherboard then I can still go with the 6850 I guess..

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