Create Food Security within you home - the best gift you can give to your family this christmas - learn aquaponics
Create Food Security within you home - the best gift you can give to your family this christmas - learn aquaponics
For many healthy food can be expensive - and to get the best from these healthy foods, it has to be fresh - the work-around solution is DIY - Do It Yourself - produce it in your own backyard, - it can transform into an enjoyable family get together as your production grows...a truly sustainable, self producing-reproducing system in your backyard. Get together with your family and start producing your own organic - soilless, herbicide free, fungicide free, pesticide free, insecticide free, chemical free - spices and herbs-cholesterol free and share them with your neighbors. Get started this Christmas...
Eating only FRUITS and VEGETABLES doesnt make one healthy .
As what BODOY said , the MICRONUTRIENTS and MICRONUTRIENTS through proper DIET is the key factor for a healthy lifestyle .
Might as well talk about the FOOD GUIDE PYRAMID for Filipino's because that is the only clear form of understanding what are the GO , GROW and GLOW FOODS needed ONLY by the body to be nourished . Other than that , you will only belong to the category of BUSINESS MATTERS promoting your HYDROPHONICS .
I do hope everything is clear now .
" A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. " - 2nd Amendment , Bill of Rights of the United States of America
Hi Spring,
Interesting observations you have. Pyramid group - was developed by Americans...that is the improved or upgraded version compared to their 4 food groups -as balanced diet, in the early 60's or 70's. Perhaps they will come up with another upgraded version in the future.
As I observed - the chinese do not have those kinds of "studies" and so "indians - pakistanis" - they are thin, healthy and strong. In China, you can hardly see people queuing in the drugstores, unlike the drugstores in the malls we have here that are always full and more are are the middle eastern, so are the europeans- french eats lots of cheese(according to amerians should reduce eating yogurt, cheese, milk)...drink lots of wine...
The common ingredient in the food of the chinese and indians - are heavy in herbs and spices, these are not included or classified as healthy foods in the "American-" endorsed pyramid. I don't know where this herbs and spices belong or are categorized as food by the "American" - perhaps you can enlighten us.
The physique of chinese, indians and others - are not like most of the Filipinos,...
Herbs and spices are basically loaded with nutrients but it is not a COMPLETE MEAL per se .
The FOOD GUIDE PYRAMID for FILIPINOS are different from the original formulated by the Americans .
There are no statistics also indicating which nationalities are HEALTHY or STRONG .
By the way , do you know the difference of HERBS from SPICES ? Just wondering because you might be mistaking them as one much more of the same group . Regardless of the food of the people from different religions and regions , like I said if the GO GROW and GLOW are there based on the PYRAMID STRUCTURE , you wont go wrong with it regardless of the nationality and the study behind it .
As an example , identifying MALNOURISHED PEOPLE is very easy because we can easily project it if they are underweight or overweight and whatever is in between it but just because you are in your desired body weight doesnt automatically mean your healthy . Thats when the METABOLISM comes in and that is behind your rationale of Middle Easterns being THIN , STRONG and HEALTHY . Its a misnomer my friend .
" A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. " - 2nd Amendment , Bill of Rights of the United States of America
What is the difference between an herb and a spice?
The Answer:
The terms "spice" and "herb" have both been used to describe parts of plants (possibly dried) that are used to enhance the flavor or taste of food. In addition, herbs have been used to augment cosmetics, preserve foods and cure illnesses.
Spices and herbs can consist of flower buds, bark, seeds, leaves or many other parts of a plant. Over time the definitions for spices and herbs have changed a bit. In the past, spices have been categorized as fragrant, aromatic plant products like cinnamon, cloves, ginger and pepper. These spices are found in plants grown in tropical and subtropical regions of the world. While herbs have always been recognized as the more green, leafy products like mint, rosemary and thyme grown in more temperate areas.
But according to the American Spice Trade Association, today spices have become known as "any dried plant product used primarily for seasoning purposes." This all-inclusive definition seems to cover a wide range of plants like herbs, spice seeds and even dehydrated vegetables and spice blends.
Read more: Difference between Herb and Spice — Difference between Herb and Spice —
Hi Spring,
a. Could you please advise who designed the pyramid food group for the Filipinos. The lowest level is bread, creal, rice and pasta - ? For the amerians I think it, vegie, fuits, etc., Green leafy vegetables are the top of the nutrients, Dr. Fuhrman(mallungay capsules are now very expensive - this was used in africa many years ago for the malnourished - The rice for Filipinos are I suppose the "white rice" ( stripped of the nutrients );
b. Statistics - I believe there is something out there and this was compared with the statistics of the americans - published by WHO. If I remember right, the highest incidence of cancer I think is in America. With the Philippines heavily indoctrinated by American lifestyle influence - I am not surprised if we would be the next in line...
c. I have no statistics but only observations how our co-workers in middle-east, indians, sri-lankans, pakistanis, thin - healthy and strong... Filipinos always sick-leaves...observing what they eat, curry, turmeric, curcumin, mustard seed, cinnamon, pepper, onions, garlic, ginger, their smell is just unbearable, you just couldn't stay long in the room or car with them...they ain't got the kind of ailments Filipinos have. These people look malnourished - height to weight ratio... but look at how they work under the sun..
It would take a long time for the americans to learn the wisdom in the words of Hippocrates, "Let your food be your medicine and your medicine be your food..." 2000 years ago,
The Virgin Coconut Oil - product of the Philippines - is categorized as top of the food pyramid - "oil, fats and sweets". This is a truly God given food, cure and medicine. Studies done by American nutritionist have shown the efficacy of the "OIL", yet has been terribly demonized by the "American Scientist" financed by their "Soy bean lobbyist".
Rice, Cereals, Pasta and Bread - If I understood correctly is what the "Filipino Pyramid" says should be eaten most...I am not a nutritionist or anything in that like, but just a seeker of healthy, clean and low cost solutions...but I really not sure what is the contents and what is meant by Rice, Cereals, Pasta and Bread, - Rice as in White Rice, Cereals and pasta, bread with processed and refined white flour?? I could be wrong but I have a feeling something is terribly wrong somewhere...
I am not certain who designed the pyramid but one thing is for sure , if it is being observed , used , honored , based etc by ADA ( American Dietetics Association ) and NDAP ( Nutritionist - Dieticians Association of the Philippines ) then there is no doubt about the credibility and legitimacy of the said pyramid specially for the Filipinos .
The base of the pyramid shows the food group that belongs to food sources rich in CHO ( carbohydrates ) and these should be consumed in the right amount but definitly more than the food groups rich in vitamins , minerals , proteins and fats which the last 2 are your macronutrients .
Next in line would be the fruits and vegetables , these are the ones rich in vitamins and minerals which are your micronutrients , described in your local supplements as multivitamins from Vit. A to Zinc . To be consumed more than the CHON ( protein ) and fat but lesser in amounts than the carbs .
Then comes the protein rich foods , the MEATS and other dairy products . Consisting also of some important essential nutrients .
Last but not the least , our favorite SWEETS and FATS . Thats how we have our balance and complete meals . Not the one you described earlier that just because STARCH products are in the bottom , it has lesser importance and because FATS are on the top of the chain, it carries more significance . Its the other way around .
There is no actual influence at all . LIFESTYLE DISEASES occurs most likely to people who are IGNORANT and doesnt have the right tools on what is HEALTHY LIVING . I myself is guilty of that even if I am aware of it . The thing with lifestyle diseases , we always blame the genetics but in reality , we can always reverse it . Its like the rationale of eating a complete meal , having the right amounts of herbs and spices but if you are a chain smoker and a heavy drinker , it doesnt make any difference at all . Being healthy is not only bound by the food we eat but the lifestyle we live in .b. Statistics - I believe there is something out there and this was compared with the statistics of the americans - published by WHO. If I remember right, the highest incidence of cancer I think is in America. With the Philippines heavily indoctrinated by American lifestyle influence - I am not surprised if we would be the next in line...
To start , your co workers does not represent a statistic , not even a population so it is very unfair to conclude something meant for 10 people and you only based it to 1 person .c. I have no statistics but only observations how our co-workers in middle-east, indians, sri-lankans, pakistanis, thin - healthy and strong... Filipinos always sick-leaves...observing what they eat, curry, turmeric, curcumin, mustard seed, cinnamon, pepper, onions, garlic, ginger, their smell is just unbearable, you just couldn't stay long in the room or car with them...they ain't got the kind of ailments Filipinos have. These people look malnourished - height to weight ratio... but look at how they work under the sun..
Its their environment my friend . How about you let them work in the snow also still loaded with their cumins , turmerics , curries etc . Filipinos again could relay some factors , when I was in the states , the Filipinos are the force to reckon with when it comes to labor . My observation though is based on how hardworking they are , not how healthy or sickly they are .
That is true because statistics says that more than half of the population are couch potatoes and lives on fried foods that could be the culprit for the cancer because of the presence of carcinogens in their foods . But it doesnt mean that their food guide pyramid is wrong , their lifestyle is what needs to be corrected .It would take a long time for the americans to learn the wisdom in the words of Hippocrates, "Let your food be your medicine and your medicine be your food..." 2000 years ago,
True , that is of a different story though and it belongs to the issues of economy . But it should also be understood why it is such a bad oil , that is due to the properties it has that makes the coconut oil a SATURATED FAT which increases overall LDL ( bad cholesterol ).The Virgin Coconut Oil - product of the Philippines - is categorized as top of the food pyramid - "oil, fats and sweets". This is a truly God given food, cure and medicine. Studies done by American nutritionist have shown the efficacy of the "OIL", yet has been terribly demonized by the "American Scientist" financed by their "Soy bean lobbyist".
There are lots of alternatives . If you dont want the white rice , there is the brown rice , dont want white bread ? get the whole wheat bread .Rice, Cereals, Pasta and Bread - If I understood correctly is what the "Filipino Pyramid" says should be eaten most...I am not a nutritionist or anything in that like, but just a seeker of healthy, clean and low cost solutions...but I really not sure what is the contents and what is meant by Rice, Cereals, Pasta and Bread, - Rice as in White Rice, Cereals and pasta, bread with processed and refined white flour?? I could be wrong but I have a feeling something is terribly wrong somewhere...
" A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. " - 2nd Amendment , Bill of Rights of the United States of America
I inserted my comments above - finally, there are alternatives - indeed, but the pyramid food does not clarify that and the impact of the white against the brown rice, whole wheat against refined bread, sweets - refined sugar against using honey or brown sugar.
Recap health start with - eating right foods and avoiding the danger foods is only the first, 2nd is the lifestyle, 3rd is exercise, -- unfortunately, only about 20% of the filipinos are aware of this...
interesting discussion and inputs from Spring...
Indeed , very inetersting topic .
Basing on the diagram observed by the nutrition and dietetics community to include myself as a learner , other form of the diagram would fall in the category of what we call " FAD DIET .Interesting - another Dr. Fuhrman - has a different version from the ADA, vegetables, fruits, etc., is on the base and carbo's on the next layer. This diagram is dangerous for diabetics because carbo's should be controlled - as this upsets the sugar balance. The pyramid was to show what volume people should eat most according to the position on the pyramid.
Regarding the diet for the diabetic people , they dont follow anymore the food guide pyramid since they have their own respective diet counselings and prescriptions from registered nutritionist and dieticians .
Dont let the diagram mislead you or confuse , instead be it a guide on how much go , grow and glow food groups you need to consume . There are still numerous tools to consider in the field of nutrition like the desired amounts of portions per serving . By the way , research about the 2 kinds of sugars bai ... COMPLEX SUGARS and SIMPLE SUGARS . You cna share it to your dad also , it might be of big help .That is another interesting input - my father is about 87 years old, has been diabetic for half of his lifetime, and rice is what is controlled. Hence, encouraging eating of carbs is leading people towards being "diabetics" and coming from ADA, I could be wrong, but something does not seem right.
True indeed yet if the ignorance would dominate , like following all sorts of FAD DIETS to name a few , ATKINS DIET , SOUTH BEACH DIET , PROTEIN DIET , NO RICE AFTER DARK DIET and etc are all wrong . As long as it is not a COMPLETE DIET , it is WRONG .Usually those who are health conscious and value their health would not indulge in smoking and be selective with the right food is already a big discipline .
In the case of DIABETICS as ane xample so both of us can relate , the food guide would still be a basis but there are foods that needs to be avoided but the amount and foods belong to certain groups should still be present . To solve this dillema , you refer to the FOOD EXCHANGE LIST .
yes, , it is very sad to know that few Filipinos only observe healthy lifestyle through proper diet , daily excercise and stress free living . Sometimes diseases can be triggered psychologically and its really scary . Anyways , your dad is insuline dependent now ?
" A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. " - 2nd Amendment , Bill of Rights of the United States of America
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