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  1. #21

    Default Re: Is it right to call all of us children of God or we love God?

    Hello there my friend yours in bold italics

    To emphasize just Caps a certain word or sentence but not the almost the entire Paragraph.

    Then based on this methodology of yours you then write to me that I am angry with Soriano?
    back to my question my friend: "When somebody writes in "ALL CAPS" does it always mean that one is angry?

    IF no. then why did you write: "The way you write my friend i can see your anger about Eli Soriano and talking about your faith. My only point is to have a friendly discussion, but you've reply me in ALL CAPS.I know you know what ALL CAPS means."

    Man was created to his own image and likeness, so he has "puwet".
    I know what you're like to point on us, does God will release stool or bowel?
    He has puwet coz He will sit on his throne. How He can sit without "puwet"?
    But doesn't have Tumbong or Quibot, God is Spirit.

    You know already that I will say that? WAW!!! What is your basis my friend? Did you read my mind?
    How sure are you that i am going to say that?

    On what instance did i offend you, or i just touch your church doctrine or belief?
    Are an Baptist, INC or born again?

    You told me this: The way you write my friend i can see your anger about Eli Soriano and talking about your faith. My only point is to have a friendly discussion, but you've reply me in ALL CAPS. I know you know what ALL CAPS means.

    Isn't that an accusation against me? On what basis were you so sure that I wrote in all caps because I was angry with Soriano? Did you read my mind my friend?

    My friend who said that you said that the Pharisees and Saducees were atheists? Where in these words did i say that you said that the Pharisees and Saducees were atheists? Here read it again:

    I said those words above because you posted this to me:

    yes i know you put "for example" but you give a question about your example that's y I've answered.
    I didn't say that the Pharisee and Saducees are atheist, according to the bible they don't believed Christ.
    They look Christ as a man not a son of God. Your putting words on my mouth which i didn't said.

    Back to my question:

    My friend who said that you said that the Pharisees and Saducees were atheists? Where in my previous posts did i ever say that you said that the Pharisees and Saducees were atheists?

    Did i ever say that you said that the Pharisees and Saducees were atheists? No. Then why did you tell me that I was putting words into your mouth?

    You still haven't answered my question my friend:

    this was your statement to me: "You haven't yet read the other discription and power of God in the Bible."

    Then my question still hanging in the air:


    Where you with me from the beginning when i started reading the Bible up to know that you can conclusively say:

    You haven't yet read the other discription and power of God in the Bible.?

    peace my friend

    I also heard Soriano say that the apostles made honest mistakes my friend in their writings in the Bible. Can you show to me where did these blessed inspired apostles made honest mistakes?

  2. #22

    Default Re: Is it right to call all of us children of God or we love God?

    Hello there my friend yours in bold italics

    To emphasize just Caps a certain word or sentence but not the almost the entire Paragraph.

    Then based on this methodology of yours you then write to me that I am angry with Soriano?
    back to my question my friend: "When somebody writes in "ALL CAPS" does it always mean that one is angry?

    IF no. then why did you write: "The way you write my friend i can see your anger about Eli Soriano and talking about your faith. My only point is to have a friendly discussion, but you've reply me in ALL CAPS.I know you know what ALL CAPS means."

    I know your an intelligent man, All Caps is a No,NO in Ethics of Writing and E-mail if you didn't know. im just asking

    I'm not reading your mind, that's what you want to know (if you admit or not).
    I base my conclusion with your questions and answer.

    You never said directly that I mean that they are atheist but you concluded that.

    I came up a statement that you've had read all the other description of God coz you conclude that God was just an creator.

    One of honest mistake is that when paul said that the time is at hand or near the coming of Christ during their time but it's already 2006. Paul feels before that the christian era will end because of the signs given by Christ.


    You didn't answer my question also.
    Whats your religion or church?

  3. #23

    Default Re: Is it right to call all of us children of God or we love God?

    keep your cool rcrauman. Your lines are too emotionally loaded.

  4. #24

    Default Re: Is it right to call all of us children of God or we love God?

    hello there again my friend

    I know your an intelligent man, All Caps is a No,NO in Ethics of Writing and E-mail if you didn't know. im just asking

    sorry. i did not know these Ethics in E-mail and writing.........can you show me the rule book? what page? Can you show us here my friend?

    Was italso stated in the rule book of Ethics that a person who writes in All Caps is angry? that's why you accused me of being angry against Mr. Soriano

    IF no. If the rule book of Ethics did not say that then why did you write: "The way you write my friend i can see your anger about Eli Soriano and talking about your faith. My only point is to have a friendly discussion, but you've reply me in ALL CAPS.I know you know what ALL CAPS means."

    I'm not reading your mind, that's what you want to know (if you admit or not).
    I base my conclusion with your questions and answer.

    I asked you this question:

    P.S. Just asking: Why does Soriano say that God has a "puwet"? He based his doctrine on Genesis 1:26-27. Can you elaborate more my friend?

    Then you said these words in reply my friend :

    [take note of the underlined words]

    Man was created to his own image and likeness, so he has "puwet".
    I know what you're like to point on us, does God will release stool or bowel?
    He has puwet coz He will sit on his throne. How He can sit without "puwet"?
    But doesn't have Tumbong or Quibot, God is Spirit.

    So based on my question, you concluded that i will point that out to you. How did you know that I will do that? What is your basis? Because that was not on my mind actually to be honest. Aren't you the one who is putting words into my mouth my friend?

    Is that also part of the rule book of Ethics to state in advance what we think the person will next say?

    You never said directly that I mean that they are atheist but you concluded that.

    Where? can you show me in my previous posts that i concluded such my friend?

    I came up a statement that you've had read all the other description of God coz you conclude that God was just an creator.

    I concluded that God was just a Creator in my post? Where did I say that God was JUST [oops not angry...wheww the rule books gotta change] a creator my friend?

    here are my words:

    There is one thing that we must believe in the One Almighty God that is salvific. What in the One everliving God [who deserves all our worship] that we must have faith in to be saved? For example: God is revealed in the Bible as a righteous Judge [and that is true i believe that].

    question: Will one be saved by believing that God is a righteous judge?

    God is revealed in the Bible as Creator

    question: will one be saved by believing that God is the Creator?

    Where did I say that God was JUST [oops sorry again] a creator?

    Let me explain what I wrote up there my friend:


    Did you not see the operative words "For example" my friend? If you noticed it, then why did you say that I concluded that God was JUST [oops sorry....not angry... just emphasizing] a Creator in my post?

    One of honest mistake is that when paul said that the time is at hand or near the coming of Christ during their time but it's already 2006. Paul feels before that the christian era will end because of the signs given by Christ.

    Solomon [the wisest man aside from the Lord Jesus] also made a mistake somewhere in Ecclesiastes according to Soriano. Am i right my friend?

    P.s. is there by any chance that it could have been Mr. Soriano who was honestly mistaken when he said these words?

    What about Soriano's words my friend:

    "maraming diyos. tunay lahat iyon."

    Soriano is saying that there are many true gods. Am i right?

    Man was created to his own image and likeness, so he has "puwet".

    Does that also mean my friend that since Man is made according to the image and likeness of God that God also has internal organs like intestines, liver or kidneys or etc?

    Back to my other question:

    My friend who said that you said that the Pharisees and Saducees were atheists? Where in my previous posts did i ever say that you said that the Pharisees and Saducees were atheists?

    Did i ever say that you said that the Pharisees and Saducees were atheists? No. Then why did you tell me that I was putting words into your mouth?

    You didn't answer my question also.
    Whats your religion or church?

    I am a Christian by the grace of God. I already replied that I belong the to the Church which the Lord Jesus Christ built.


    oops!!!!! all caps.....the rule book!!! sorry.....

    it should be peace!!!!

  5. #25

    Default Re: Is it right to call all of us children of God or we love God?

    Re: Is it right to call all of us children of God or we love God?

    I'd say first we are children of God. Along with that we should love God too. Is it right? well, who else. for me it is.

  6. #26

    Default Re: Is it right to call all of us children of God or we love God?

    it seems to me that ironside is gaining ground. Watch your words rcruman. I'm following you two.

  7. #27

    Default Re: Is it right to call all of us children of God or we love God?

    To Ironside,

    Mind is different from Mouth, when i said that your point is:

    Man was created to his own image and likeness, so he has "puwet".
    I know what you're like to point on us, does God will release stool or bowel?
    He has puwet coz He will sit on his throne. How He can sit without "puwet"?
    But doesn't have Tumbong or Quibot, God is Spirit.

    Did i said that you say that?
    In talking with people you should anticipate their thoughts also.

    You wrote and quote this:

    Man was created to his own image and likeness, so he has "puwet".
    Does that also mean my friend that since Man is made according to the image and likeness of God that God also has internal organs like intestines, liver or kidneys or etc?

    And i've answered you that God is Spirit. And i've concluded your point coz there's no other way that you will this question if you don't have it on your mind.

    Your wrote this:
    You never said directly that I mean that they are atheist but you concluded that.
    Where? can you show me in my previous posts that i concluded such my friend?
    And here's your post last November 09.
    Pharisees and Saducees are hypocrites, they have persecuted Christ.
    EXACTLY, BUT THEY WERE NOT ATHEISTS. THEY BELIEVED IN THE EXISTENCE OF GOD. BUT THEY WERE NOT SAVED. HENCE, THE STATEMENT IN MY PREVIOUS POST: "The Pharisees and Saducees believed that there is only one God to be worshipped. But they were not saved in believing that."

    You keep on writing like this:
    Where did I say that God was JUST [oops sorry again] a creator?
    oops!!!!! all caps.....the rule book!!! sorry.....
    Where did I say that God was JUST [oops not angry...wheww the rule books gotta change] a creator my friend?

    My answer was clear about ALL CAPS, that writing the whole paragraph in ALL CAPS it means your angry. if you want to know the rule about ethics of writing and technical writing there's a short course at USC.

    Solomon [the wisest man aside from the Lord Jesus] also made a mistake somewhere in Ecclesiastes according to Soriano. Am i right my friend?
    P.s. is there by any chance that it could have been Mr. Soriano who was honestly mistaken when he said these words?

    Solomon said that he see everthing under the sun but he didn't the microbes or bacteria because there's no Microscope yet on his time.
    But i will remind you my friend that all these are honest mistakes of a man.

    What about Soriano's words my friend:
    "maraming diyos. tunay lahat iyon."
    Soriano is saying that there are many true gods. Am i right?

    Read Psalms 82 my friend then you can see that there are many gods.
    Satan was also a god of this world, lust and earthly things. Thus satan is not True?
    You should know whats the difference between God and god.

    Peace to all!

  8. #28

    Default Re: Is it right to call all of us children of God or we love God?

    hello there my friend

    Mind is different from Mouth, when i said that your point is:

    Man was created to his own image and likeness, so he has "puwet".
    I know what you're like to point on us, does God will release stool or bowel?
    He has puwet coz He will sit on his throne. How He can sit without "puwet"?
    But doesn't have Tumbong or Quibot, God is Spirit.

    Did i said that you say that?
    In talking with people you should anticipate their thoughts also.

    As to your question my friend . notice the wording of your statement: [the underlined words please notice]

    Man was created to his own image and likeness, so he has "puwet".
    I know what you're like to point on us, does God will release stool or bowel?
    He has puwet coz He will sit on his throne. How He can sit without "puwet"?
    But doesn't have Tumbong or Quibot, God is Spirit.

    "I know what you're like to point on us, does God will release stool or bowel?"

    So based on my question you already know what am I like? That I am one who will point that out to you?

    Your question above goes: "Did i said that you say that?"

    My reply: you practically answered your own question in your previous statements to me my friend : "I know what you're like to point on us, does God will release stool or bowel?

    Isn't that conluding rather too unfairly my friend?

    Your next statement goes: In talking with people you should anticipate their thoughts also.

    Anticipating people's thoughts is fine. But shoving it on them as if they are really going to say these things next is plain accusation my friend

    So my question again in my previous post:

    So based on my question, you concluded that i will point that out to you. How did you know that I will do that? What is your basis? Because that was not on my mind actually to be honest. Aren't you the one who is putting words into my mouth my friend?

    Is that also part of the rule book of Ethics to state in advance what we think the person will next say?

    And i've answered you that God is Spirit. And i've concluded your point coz there's no other way that you will this question if you don't have it on your mind.

    Why? What do you THINK was on my mind at that writing my friend?

    there's no other way that you will this question if you don't have it on your mind

    Is that part of Ethics too my friend? To answer what we THINK others are saying than answer WHAT THEY REALLY AND ACTUALLY ARE SAYING?

    Your wrote this:
    You never said directly that I mean that they are atheist but you concluded that.
    Where? can you show me in my previous posts that i concluded such my friend?
    And here's your post last November 09.
    Pharisees and Saducees are hypocrites, they have persecuted Christ.
    EXACTLY, BUT THEY WERE NOT ATHEISTS. THEY BELIEVED IN THE EXISTENCE OF GOD. BUT THEY WERE NOT SAVED. HENCE, THE STATEMENT IN MY PREVIOUS POST: "The Pharisees and Saducees believed that there is only one God to be worshipped. But they were not saved in believing that."

    [Note for readers here: I underlined my words to steer it clear from rcrumans words. The underlined words above are mine]

    The words above that began with the word "EXACTLY" and ended with the word "that" was an explanation to my previous post, not a conclusion on your statement my friend.

    Here look:

    I wrote these words to 14343:

    1) Jas 2:19 You believe that there is one God. You do well. Even the demons believe--and tremble!

    2) Believing that there is one God does not save. The Pharisees and Saducees believed that there is only one God to be worshipped. But they were not saved in believing that.

    There is one thing that we must believe in the One Almighty God that is salvific. What in the One everliving God [who deserves all our worship] that we must have faith in to be saved? For example: God is revealed in the Bible as a righteous Judge [and that is true i believe that].

    question: Will one be saved by believing that God is a righteous judge?

    God is revealed in the Bible as Creator

    question: will one be saved by believing that God is the Creator?

    Then you entered the picture and wrote these words:

    Pharisees and Saducees are hypocrites, they have persecuted Christ.
    Time frame and the character must be known first before arriving at the conclusion.
    Before the time of Israel there's only one God has been introduce in the bible.
    But when Jesus Chirst came he introduce him as a God. And there will a time when Jesus surrender everything to God almighty and then we will only have one God.

    Then replying to your first two statements above as a matter of EXPLANATION, i wrote these words:

    EXACTLY, BUT THEY WERE NOT ATHEISTS. THEY BELIEVED IN THE EXISTENCE OF GOD. BUT THEY WERE NOT SAVED. HENCE, THE STATEMENT IN MY PREVIOUS POST: "The Pharisees and Saducees believed that there is only one God to be worshipped. But they were not saved in believing that."

    See, I was not concluding on your words. I was explaining my previous reply. It seems to me my friend that you are the one here concluding unfairly on my words.

    Is that also in the Ethics rule book my friend?

    My answer was clear about ALL CAPS, that writing the whole paragraph in ALL CAPS it means your angry. if you want to know the rule about ethics of writing and technical writing there's a short course at USC.

    What book? What page? The author? Is it internationally accepted? Is it universal?
    Back your statements above with proofs my friend. What book? What page? the author? I will be waiting my friend?

    And specify also what specific entry was it written the idea that the one writing in All Caps is NECESARILLY angry.

    Solomon said that he see everthing under the sun but he didn't the microbes or bacteria because there's no Microscope yet on his time.
    But i will remind you my friend that all these are honest mistakes of a man.

    Show us the verse? And show us the context that Solomon was indeed talking about ALL THINGS or EVERYTHING that God has created in that verse and it's context-- Creature works not Providential works. from the context please. CREATURE WORKS NOT PROVIDENTIAL WORKS okay my friend?

    Cause it is so possible that Solomon was talking about the PROVIDENTIAL WORKS of God not the CREATURE works of God.

    verse and context my friend

    okay let me put it straight. When Solomon said:

    Ec 8:17 then I saw all the work of God, that a man cannot find out the work that is done under the sun.

    Was he talking about the Creature workS of God, referring to the creatures that He made here on earth that includes bacteria and other microorganism that you say in your post?

    Or was Solomon referring to the Providential WORK [NOTICE THE SINGULAR, THIS SHOULD GIVE US A HINT] of God?

    Read Psalms 82 my friend then you can see that there are many gods.
    Satan was also a god of this world, lust and earthly things. Thus satan is not True?
    You should know whats the difference between God and god.

    Was it stated that these gods were true? That there are many true gods

    My questions my friend again:

    your statement in your post to me:
    I came up a statement that you've had read all the other description of God coz you conclude that God was just an creator.

    my pending questions:

    I concluded that God was just a Creator in my post? Where did I say that God was JUST [oops not angry...wheww the rule books gotta change] a creator my friend?

    here are my words:

    There is one thing that we must believe in the One Almighty God that is salvific. What in the One everliving God [who deserves all our worship] that we must have faith in to be saved? For example: God is revealed in the Bible as a righteous Judge [and that is true i believe that].

    question: Will one be saved by believing that God is a righteous judge?

    God is revealed in the Bible as Creator

    question: will one be saved by believing that God is the Creator?

    Where did I say that God was JUST [oops sorry again] a creator?

    Let me explain what I wrote up there my friend:


    Did you not see the operative words "For example" my friend? If you noticed it, then why did you say that I concluded that God was JUST [oops sorry....not angry... just emphasizing] a Creator in my post?


  9. #29

    Default Re: Is it right to call all of us children of God or we love God?

    Quote Originally Posted by joniesca
    it seems to me that ironside is gaining ground. Watch your words rcruman. I'm following you two.
    What ground has been gained by Ironside?

  10. #30

    Default Re: Is it right to call all of us children of God or we love God?

    My friend,

    We have a long conversation already did you know that i was observing your answer?
    If i anticipate with what you wrote then prove it that it was not.
    Everytime i conclude with your answer you will just reply "how did i know that"?

    ABout solomon, then wait tomorrow coz i'm still on my work and i will read it in my bible and give it to you the proof.

    The problem with you is that you're been offended coz i wrote or Bro. Soriano says something from your belief.

    About Bro. Soriano says that maraming dios, did he read the verse?
    then you will ask are they true gods. Then i've answered that satan was god of this world as stated in 2 Corinthians 4:4, is satan not true?

    My friend asking question is different from questioning.
    If you will just admit that when you ask question about if God has puwet as bro. soriano said
    its already manifested in your previous question :
    Does that also mean my friend that since Man is made according to the image and likeness of God that God also has internal organs like intestines, liver or kidneys or etc?

    Then since you keep on asking me then i will ask you about this matter becuase were just circling.
    Since it is stated in Genesis 1:26-27 about the creation of man according to his own image and likeness, thus God fail to make a man who is murderer,rapist, liar, corrupt, and involve in wrong doings?

    Then one question also, what particular Church do you belong?
    I mean specific as registered at SEC or the complete name of your congregation.

    Again let me repeat again my friend if I anticipate then prove me wrong by supplying with follow-up question related to your first question. But if you will just ask then if i answer you then you will go to another topic then its o.k for me to answer it base on my understanding and with the verses in the holy scripture.

    You know what my friend it a debate or exchange of understanding no one will admit that we are wrong its the other reader will judge or the most is our conscience.

    Then you will understand also my friend that there are reading between the lines.
    Base on our answer we can have a clue or initial overview of your partner.

    Again let me know your church name so that i will know your primary doctrines and belief.
    If not then your religious affiliation will be revealed sooner.

    You keep on asking this question:
    EXACTLY, BUT THEY WERE NOT ATHEISTS. THEY BELIEVED IN THE EXISTENCE OF GOD. BUT THEY WERE NOT SAVED. HENCE, THE STATEMENT IN MY PREVIOUS POST: "The Pharisees and Saducees believed that there is only one God to be worshipped. But they were not saved in believing that."

    Can you recall what did i answer you for you to answer this?
    I said that these people persecuted God, then you reply "EXACTLY, BUT THEY WERE NOT ATHEISTS. thus in my answer involve atheist? Pharisees and Saducees are basing most of their belief to the first 5 books (from Genesis to Dueteronomy).

    Our conversation will benefit to others most of all to both of us.
    Keep on asking my friend and answer my question also.

    For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Ephesians 6:12

    Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, whereunto thou art also called, and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses. 1 Timothy 6:12.


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