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  1. #21

    Default Re: 100-200K for an investment

    Piso2x Internet Cafe (8 units) & food business
    120k budget for the cafe, you won't need an attendant, kay piso2x slot machine man, nya di sad makawat kay naa ra man sud sa establishment, naa man sad ang sa food business mo tanaw2x sa units.
    Pwede sad e 2:1 setup para managhan ang units.
    80k for the food business

  2. #22

    Default Re: 100-200K for an investment

    Get into the financial distribution business. You can start for less than P4T.

    Good thing about being in the financial industry?

    1.) Learn about the different types of businesses and investments outside the traditional one
    2.) Hassle and responsibilities are way lesser than traditional ones
    3.) Know how to make money work more efficiently
    4.) Acquire the skills necessary to effectively build the right and solid financial foundation

    If interested, please feel free to PM me so I can send details.

  3. #23

    Default Re: 100-200K for an investment

    Mutual funds are good investments but they are for long term, 5 yrs up!

    If you want higher returns on you 100k capital don't put it in MF.
    Food business is attractive nowadays. If you can do full time try on buy&sell..

  4. #24

    Default Re: 100-200K for an investment

    Quote Originally Posted by francesjulealejo View Post
    asa dapit sa Ormoc ang hospital ibutang? im from Ormoc too but naa ko dri nagwork sa London.think ko nice nga investment sd.
    dapit sa asia renal .. didto ang hospital site 2012 mu abli ...

  5. #25

    Default Re: 100-200K for an investment

    hog farm bro

  6. #26

    Default Re: 100-200K for an investment

    Quote Originally Posted by ropiana View Post
    pag apartment na lang, para ang mga nurse na layo og ulian, mag-abang na lang og room diha sa imong apartment, since naa kay lot. Den mga gwapa pa jud na kasagarang mga nurse..hehe.

    agree hehe...

  7. #27

    Default Re: 100-200K for an investment

    Where to invest P100,000?

    Okay, let’s say you have a hundred grand to spare. You have no financial obligations like credit card debt or immediate financial needs like travel. Where do you invest P100,000? Here are some options:

    Special savings deposits. You can place the money in a special savings account that earns a much higher interest than a regular savings account.

    Time deposits. “P100,000 can be invested in a variety of ways. If you can’t tolerate any risk and would like your money to be near cash, or very liquid, stick with time deposits,” says J. Randell Tiongson, a Registered Financial Planner (RFP).

    T-bills. If you want relative safety, place your money in short-term government securities like Treasury bills (T-bills).RTBs. You can also invest in longer-term government securities like Fixed Rate Treasury Notes (FXTNs). Alternately, you can invest in Retail Treasury Bonds (RTBs), which require much smaller amounts.

    UITFs. Unit Investment Trust Funds (UITFs) are pooled funds that trust departments of commercial banks invest in various securities.

    Mutual funds. Similar to UITFs but more regulated, mutual funds pool money from thousands of investors. There are different types depending on your investment objectives. Randell explains, “Mutual funds and UITFs may be good options as they show good capital appreciation especially if you hold on to them for a long time.”

    Stocks. You can buy shares of publicly-listed stocks and ride the current bull run. “There’s always the stock market if you can take the risk,” says Randell, adding, “Another option is an equity-based mutual fund or UITF that can take care of managing the stock investments for you.”

    Foreign currency. You can exchange your P100,000 into foreign currency like the euro. Banks and forex brokers let you do this.

    Insurance plans. Whole life insurance plans have a savings component. A variation is the variable (also called unit-linked) insurance plan, which gives you greater control on how your premiums are invested.

    Endowment plans. These are insurance products that don’t provide lifetime coverage. They are often positioned as investment products because the emphasis is on the returns. Randell says, “You can also opt to purchase a single pay life insurance with an investment portion or an endowment. You can grow your money and get some insurance coverage while waiting.”

    Pension plans. You can buy a pre-need pension plan, that is, if you’re undeterred by the negative news on certain pre-need companies.

    Now, which is best? Well, it depends on your objective, risk appetite, and time frame. Randell concludes, “Just remember the general rule: the higher the yields are, the higher the risk.”
    This article is from is MoneySense, the country's first and only personal finance magazine.

    Source: Investor luranski: Where to invest P100,000?

  8. #28

    Default Re: 100-200K for an investment

    Quote Originally Posted by luranski View Post
    Where to invest P100,000?

    Okay, let’s say you have a hundred grand to spare. You have no financial obligations like credit card debt or immediate financial needs like travel. Where do you invest P100,000? Here are some options:

    Special savings deposits. You can place the money in a special savings account that earns a much higher interest than a regular savings account.

    Time deposits. “P100,000 can be invested in a variety of ways. If you can’t tolerate any risk and would like your money to be near cash, or very liquid, stick with time deposits,” says J. Randell Tiongson, a Registered Financial Planner (RFP).

    T-bills. If you want relative safety, place your money in short-term government securities like Treasury bills (T-bills).RTBs. You can also invest in longer-term government securities like Fixed Rate Treasury Notes (FXTNs). Alternately, you can invest in Retail Treasury Bonds (RTBs), which require much smaller amounts.

    UITFs. Unit Investment Trust Funds (UITFs) are pooled funds that trust departments of commercial banks invest in various securities.

    Mutual funds. Similar to UITFs but more regulated, mutual funds pool money from thousands of investors. There are different types depending on your investment objectives. Randell explains, “Mutual funds and UITFs may be good options as they show good capital appreciation especially if you hold on to them for a long time.”

    Stocks. You can buy shares of publicly-listed stocks and ride the current bull run. “There’s always the stock market if you can take the risk,” says Randell, adding, “Another option is an equity-based mutual fund or UITF that can take care of managing the stock investments for you.”

    Foreign currency. You can exchange your P100,000 into foreign currency like the euro. Banks and forex brokers let you do this.

    Insurance plans. Whole life insurance plans have a savings component. A variation is the variable (also called unit-linked) insurance plan, which gives you greater control on how your premiums are invested.

    Endowment plans. These are insurance products that don’t provide lifetime coverage. They are often positioned as investment products because the emphasis is on the returns. Randell says, “You can also opt to purchase a single pay life insurance with an investment portion or an endowment. You can grow your money and get some insurance coverage while waiting.”

    Pension plans. You can buy a pre-need pension plan, that is, if you’re undeterred by the negative news on certain pre-need companies.

    Now, which is best? Well, it depends on your objective, risk appetite, and time frame. Randell concludes, “Just remember the general rule: the higher the yields are, the higher the risk.”
    This article is from is MoneySense, the country's first and only personal finance magazine.

    Source: Investor luranski: Where to invest P100,000?

    thanks!! nindot pud ni nice to know ... at least naka try naku aning time deposit . nindot ra ni if daku imoi deposit dili 100k kai hinay kaau...

  9. #29

    Default Re: 100-200K for an investment

    Quote Originally Posted by GOSPELofROCH View Post
    kana kwartaha pwede nka mka tukod ug boarding house...and its a passive income
    murag lisod ang 200K i-capital para pahimo ug boarding house bro.

  10. #30

    Default Re: 100-200K for an investment

    kung wala pamo kaugalingon house and lot..
    gamita para equity

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