I am Sorry
Je suis désolée (zhe suwi désolé)
if french were as easy as spanish i would have remembered more of it. practically wasted 2 semesters in college... je ne parlez pas francais bien... tsk tsk tsk...
cool input, FAQ. Merci!
Now, how do we say "cool" in french?![]()
hahaha!!..i remembered that line sa Saving Private Ryan..Tom Hanks was trying to ask for info to a bunch of french refugees..i don't know the spelling lang so i checked it out..how about you?..Konnen Sie sprickt im Deutsch?
sorry TS i know this is a french thread..i'll take my german somewhere else..hehe!
Last edited by Ramini; 02-08-2011 at 12:27 AM.
Nom de Dieu de putain de bordel de merde de saloperies de connards d'enculé de ta mère
Remember this line? tag-ana asa ni siya sikat kaau....=D
Je suis Malade au jour dui.
I am sick(not feeling well) today.
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