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  1. #21

    Quote Originally Posted by tashotasho View Post
    huhu i cannot help but wait.
    mao mao baya tag plano bro. 20k sad ako budget hehe.
    huwat nlng tas mga bag.o release para sulit ang upgrade

  2. #22
    yes you better wait, the 32 nm second gen i series A.K.A sandy bridge its worth the upgrade gyud..

  3. #23
    mao mao baya tag plano bro. 20k sad ako budget hehe.
    huwat nlng tas mga bag.o release para sulit ang upgrade
    lage.paeta aning waiting game oi.lain raba ko magantos.hahaha

  4. #24
    i3 setup boss, padung na phased-out ang core2quad nga mga procie (tingali)

  5. #25
    im learning ani nga thread, wa koy ma share.. i wonder unsa na overclock?

  6. #26
    tasho: intel nasad brad?...unya AMD na sad ka hehehe

  7. #27
    C.I.A. werty's Avatar
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    sandy bridge is worth dying for.... performance and power efficiency...

  8. #28
    speaking if i3 550. Asa ta kapalit? I want to buy one.

  9. #29
    As per article

    To have some advantages and some disadvantages. Biggest disadvantage looks like yet another round of hardware and software upgrades is in the near future. I suspect it will affect more than just personal computers...PC's are just the tip of the spear. The partnership between Intel and Warner Brothers is telling...especially when you see Sony, Google, DLF, Myspace, and more partnered up as well.

    For example, it looks like to view upcoming movies, we will HAVE to buy yet more hardware that contains CPU embedded HDCP support, and Sandy Bridge is part of it.

    It's called "Insider", and is in Intel's graphics management in Core processors.
    The movies can be played only on systems with the next-generation Core processors, Regis said. (Karen Regis, Intel Consumer Client Marketing Manager)
    The feature in time will trickle down to Intel's other consumer chip offerings, Regis said. Intel is also partnering with more studios and announcements will be made in the upcoming months.
    Thanks to a partnership between Intel and Warner, it looks like it will obsolete any video streaming system that not include a Core CPU.

    I'm betting that soon it will be no longer sufficient that you have to pay for manufacturers to license HDCP for the software, motherboard IGP, discrete cards, audio chipsets, audio cards, and displays support HDCP, but you will be REQUIRED to buy new hardware that has a CPU that includes "Insider" as well if you want to watch HD content.

    Intel's upcoming Core chips to secure streaming movies - Computerworld

    So that's why a friend of mine told me that big NO NO to sandy bridge..

  10. #30
    tasho: intel nasad brad?...unya AMD na sad ka hehehe
    btaw bro,ugma AMD nasad ko kay Intel man ko karon hahahaa libog kaayo.mao gahimo nlng ko thread para Intel or niya ngadto bro!

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