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  1. #21
    Junior Member RRD's Avatar
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    Jul 2011

    Default Re: New special plate numbers para sa mga politiko / government official = powertripp

    Kana diay bro plate number 8, those are plates given to tong/congressmen diba? For me, those plates are not necessary - so what is it really for? Aron powertrip? As if wala pa sila gapower trip? ha ha......they should serve us since kita gabayad sa ilang mga sweldo.

  2. #22

    Default Re: New special plate numbers para sa mga politiko / government official = powertripp

    in the first place, if it's issued for officials kanang so called Commemorative Plates, then how come you were able to get it from your "contact" @Eiso? does that mean you're using it illegally? just a question.

    wa ko ka gets if commemorative plates ra na sya, ngano ang maka afford ug naay mga contacts/insider maka kuha man ana ug allowed man nga ila ibutang sa ilang mga sakyanan nya dli sila government official/work sa government or any member sa ila family for that matter? ang question is, "FOR WHAT PURPOSE?", to commemorate or support? really? i don't think so...

    just my two cents..

  3. #23

    Default Re: New special plate numbers para sa mga politiko / government official = powertripp

    ka gool ba ninyo ka gamay ra nila ga gamit ana

  4. #24

    Default Re: New special plate numbers para sa mga politiko / government official = powertripp

    Quote Originally Posted by yacky2006 View Post
    ka gool ba ninyo ka gamay ra nila ga gamit ana
    hinuon pd naa kay punto sir...hehehehe...

  5. #25

    Default Re: New special plate numbers para sa mga politiko / government official = powertripp

    ahhh ana diay na noh? karon pa ko dah,,kanang diri sa Cebu like naay MAYOR., commemorative ra pud na?

  6. #26

    Default Re: New special plate numbers para sa mga politiko / government official = powertripp

    i bought my commemorative plate for 1,200... barato raman na xa...
    like pag ASEAN Summit, dba naay ng gawas na commemorative plates ato..
    duol raka sa organizer para mu palit ka..

    like sa San Beda College... ni file cla sa DOTC para maka baligya cla og commemorative plates na "San Beda" good for 6months...
    1,200 rato.. mura pud nag help ka pa raise sa ilang funds..

    Quote Originally Posted by juleskiboi View Post
    in the first place, if it's issued for officials kanang so called Commemorative Plates, then how come you were able to get it from your "contact" @Eiso? does that mean you're using it illegally? just a question.

    wa ko ka gets if commemorative plates ra na sya, ngano ang maka afford ug naay mga contacts/insider maka kuha man ana ug allowed man nga ila ibutang sa ilang mga sakyanan nya dli sila government official/work sa government or any member sa ila family for that matter? ang question is, "FOR WHAT PURPOSE?", to commemorate or support? really? i don't think so...

    just my two cents..

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