KAILA MO ANI? taga marvel comics.....
there planing on making this movie...
Last week, they reported on an interview with Ryan Reynolds where the Canadian actor talked about the success he’s had in 2009 with two of the biggest elements being his casting into two major comic book movies:
Green Lantern and X-Men Origins: Deadpool.
“I think, seeing the prototypes for the Green Lantern costumes was a huge moment. It was a moment when I was like, “This is happening, and it’s happening in the right way.” That’s a pretty cool, definitive moment for me.”
X-Men Origins: Deadpool
NewsinFilm has the scoop courtesy of an interview with Empire:
…Shuler-Donner confirms Hugh Jackman will be headed to Japan to shoot on location for X-Men Origins: Wolverine 2, or whatever the title will eventually be. The comic book storyline centers on the clawed mutant falling for Mariko Yashida, the heiress to the Yakuza crime family.
“Wolverine will be fighting in a different style to what we’ve seen before,” she said, indicating a battle between him and Mariko’s father, Shingen Yashida. It will involve “samurai, ninja, katana blades, different forms of martial arts — mano-a-mano, extreme fighting.” This plot also suggests a possible showdown with mutant supervillain Silver Samurai, but maybe I’m just stretching it. After all, who doesn’t want to see mutant ninjas?..