@ obama: I'm not a jeepney driver. What i meant pity the drivers was in line with the change matter, i really made that clear if you care to read back. It's true it is part of their job to prepare change. But to avoid problems, we as commuters shouldn't always expect these drivers have enough change for everyone. Ang tindahan gani mahutdan ug sensiyo, kana pa kahang jeepney? Use your common sense bro, how many 100 peso bills does it take to dwindle an average drivers' change? Not too many. 100 pesos tapos 6.50 ray kuhaon? Nya kung upat o lima magdungan ug pliti tig 100? Dili kaha mahutdan nag sensiyo ang driver? Suwayi bayad 100 sa mga sari2x store diba usually nila pangutana, naa ka sinsiyo? My point is, to avoid any problems, we as commuters should prepare our change. Very simple problem, no need to get fuss over it.