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  1. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by aulim View Post
    These people are Filipinos. If you consider them foreigners, then there are no americans in the list as there are no Native american indians in Forbes list. All are immigrants. I am not Aeta or negrito so I am not Filipino? I have more than enough documents to show I am Filipino.
    Mao gyud. These people are Filipino citizens. So what if they have foreign ancestry?

  2. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by sgrnim View Post
    so? that means we filipino is more worthy to be billioners and millioners in our own resources and our own land..not them...all we need is to dream..
    asus... just say nlang gud suya lang...

    ang dream dili matinood kung dili lihokon....

  3. #23
    C.I.A. miramax's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by voldemort View Post
    Filipino Billionaires..Do you know..Thay are not really Filipinos...diputS

    so? They are rich because they worked hard and they had the guts to pursue their ambitions.
    Very well said. Consider Henry Sy as one of those self-made man.

  4. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by voldemort View Post
    Not just dream, but work hard to realize your dreams.

    in dreaming your plans. you start working to achv it. dream is the gasoline to propel you to achv your dream and ambitions.

  5. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by sgrnim View Post
    dream is the gasoline to propel you to achv your dream and purpose.
    Ganun? Well, ok. Each to his own...

  6. #26
    inheritance jud na kasagaran.. XD

  7. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by sgrnim View Post
    so? that means we filipino is more worthy to be billioners and millioners in our own resources and our own land..not them...all we need is to dream..
    If you are worthy to be a billionaire, then you'd already be one. Fact is you're not. Instead of going out there finding ways to create your own business, employ people and be successful, you come to the forums and whine about other people being billionaires. And then you imply that they are not really Filipinos, which insults not only their success but everyone's intelligence and open-mindedness.

    You want to know a sad fact? There are many billionaire Filipinos who are not on that list. Because the Forbes list only includes people who gained their billions legally. Would you be surprised to know that PGMA is richer than all the "non pure blood" Filipinos on that list? Do you have any idea at all what some people in politics earn these days? Some of them are richer than Lucio Tan, you just don't know it. The AFP comptroller alone, who was only a colonel was caught smuggling hundreds of millions of pesos. Joc Joc Bolante, a mere cabinet official spirited away at least 500 million.

    So I suppose you can sleep easy now, now that you know that there are Filipinos in the Philippines who are not Intsik or Katsila (or insert evil foreigner) who are also billionaires. So what are you waiting for? Go run for public office and join the rest of the pure-blooded pinoys who are billionaires! There's money out there waiting to be pocketed!

  8. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by raski View Post
    If you are worthy to be a billionaire, then you'd already be one. Fact is you're not. Instead of going out there finding ways to create your own business, employ people and be successful, you come to the forums and whine about other people being billionaires. And then you imply that they are not really Filipinos, which insults not only their success but everyone's intelligence and open-mindedness.

    You want to know a sad fact? There are many billionaire Filipinos who are not on that list. Because the Forbes list only includes people who gained their billions legally. Would you be surprised to know that PGMA is richer than all the "non pure blood" Filipinos on that list? Do you have any idea at all what some people in politics earn these days? Some of them are richer than Lucio Tan, you just don't know it. The AFP comptroller alone, who was only a colonel was caught smuggling hundreds of millions of pesos. Joc Joc Bolante, a mere cabinet official spirited away at least 500 million.

    So I suppose you can sleep easy now, now that you know that there are Filipinos in the Philippines who are not Intsik or Katsila (or insert evil foreigner) who are also billionaires. So what are you waiting for? Go run for public office and join the rest of the pure-blooded pinoys who are billionaires! There's money out there waiting to be pocketed!
    hahaah sakto sad ka bai .... naa sad sa jud dira makita ang mga dako kwarta... especially naa sa taas nga position sa government.

  9. #29
    Quote Originally Posted by raski View Post
    If you are worthy to be a billionaire, then you'd already be one. Fact is you're not. Instead of going out there finding ways to create your own business, employ people and be successful, you come to the forums and whine about other people being billionaires. And then you imply that they are not really Filipinos, which insults not only their success but everyone's intelligence and open-mindedness.

    You want to know a sad fact? There are many billionaire Filipinos who are not on that list. Because the Forbes list only includes people who gained their billions legally. Would you be surprised to know that PGMA is richer than all the "non pure blood" Filipinos on that list? Do you have any idea at all what some people in politics earn these days? Some of them are richer than Lucio Tan, you just don't know it. The AFP comptroller alone, who was only a colonel was caught smuggling hundreds of millions of pesos. Joc Joc Bolante, a mere cabinet official spirited away at least 500 million.

    So I suppose you can sleep easy now, now that you know that there are Filipinos in the Philippines who are not Intsik or Katsila (or insert evil foreigner) who are also billionaires. So what are you waiting for? Go run for public office and join the rest of the pure-blooded pinoys who are billionaires! There's money out there waiting to be pocketed!

    ikaw are you a millioner do you have your own business?

  10. #30
    They're not even humans

  11.    Advertisement

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