OT: all hail the fuhrer! i mean, all hail megatron! hehehe! ('c',)
OT: all hail the fuhrer! i mean, all hail megatron! hehehe! ('c',)
when and where did this New World Order thing start? i think i remember that guy from 700 Club saying something against Masonry by accusing the Brotherhood as forerunners of that NWO crap.
My Christian friends told me before that Saddam Hussein is the Anti-Christ. Luckily he's dead.
New world order is stealing is permitted. One thing you don't know about this order is that thieves and other people can claim your house if you are on a vacation. Because in this order the need outweighs the rights of other people.
The result is total Chaos and Anarchy. Others will hold on to their rightful land while anybody can try to claim it for themselves as well.
Some parts Africa right now is using these new world order.
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