Here's a website that'll tell you more about the Freemasonary than you'll ever want to know, such as most Christian and Muslim leaders forbid Freemasonry... because it is a most deceptive secret society, as we shall see next:
Freemasons have been excommunicated from the Catholic Church by 8 Popes: In 1738 by Clement XII "In Eminenti", the first of 20 bulls against Freemasonry. Pius IX issued 6 bulls attacking Masonry. Leo XIII, in 1884, in "Humanum Genus", and endorsed the view that the Freemasons' "real supreme aim" is "to persecute Christianity with untamed hatred, and they will never rest until they see cast to the ground all religious institutions established by the Pope"... and the last one, John Paul II in 1983... you can not be a Catholic and a Mason!... if you want to be a Mason, you are automatically out of the Catholic Church, excommunicated!... these are the words issued by Cardinal Ratzinger, approved and ordered by John Paul II in Nov. 1983: "The Church's negative judgment in regard to Masonic associations remains unchanged since their principles have always been considered irreconcilable with the doctrine of the Church and therefore membership in them remains forbidden. Catholics who enrol in Masonic associations are in a state of grave sin and may not receive Holy Communion. Local Ecclesiastical authorities do not have the faculty to pronounce a judgment on the nature of Masonic associations which may include a diminution of the above-mentioned judgment".
- "Baptist" leaders,
have referred to it as "an ungodly brotherhood of satanic darkness"; "there is an inherent incompatibility between Masonry and the Christian faith"; "there is a great danger that the Christian Mason may find himself compromising his allegiance to Jesus" (The Baptist Union of Scotland, 1965).
say "Masonry amounts to idolatry" (Missouri Synod, 1959).
"Masonry is a religious institution and as such is definitely anti-Christian (General Assembly, Rochester, 1942).
-"The Church of England":
"A number of very fundamental reasons to question the compatibility of Freemasonry with Christianity (General Synod, London, 1987... and several members of the committee were Masons!).
-"Russian Orthodox Church":
"Any Orthodox who joins Masonry losses all the right and privileges of his membership in the Church (Acker, "Strange Altars", pag.60).
"There is a great danger that the Christian who becomes a Freemason will find himself comprising his Christian beliefs. Methodists should not become Masons (General Assembly, London, 1985).
... However, most Masons are white Protestants, and some Catholics and Orthodox!...and some Jews