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  1. #21

    I was there today! lingaw kaayo akong lab!!! balik lang ko train sa akong lab ug clicker kay murag nakalimot na siya... VERY NICE PLACE!!!

    Thanks to Ryan and Sir Jute

    Ry: Please PM me the registration form.

  2. #22
    pwede ba kha dinhi ang pitbull nga showtype noh?. 2 months+ pman sad xa. then pila kaha bayad? pm lang if naa answer.

  3. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by robby_lee View Post
    I wasn't able to attend last night's meeting. Kanus-a man na mag-start ang training? Pwede ra mo-observe lang sa una before mojoin/magpamember?
    it would be a pleasure if you can spend time with us and observe during our training sessions. Those who attended last March 28, 2009 were given the chance to know more about the K9 CARE. They were gicen application form but we have to give them space and time to think it over before getting a membership.

    This group is compose of people who shares the same passion in dog training.
    Give us your contact number so we can invite you to a specific time and date.


  4. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by CHOLERA View Post
    nindot lagi ni da...pwede local dogs iapil ani? or pwede ba sad kana gagmai na dogs like mini pinchers?
    Yes, any dogs can join in agility class. Pedigree and non pedigree can compete. We have a mini pincher from davao group who is performing very well in agility competition.

  5. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by the clicker View Post
    Yes, any dogs can join in agility class. Pedigree and non pedigree can compete. We have a mini pincher from davao group who is performing very well in agility competition.

    pila gud ni inyung training ani?

  6. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by bingbing View Post
    I was there today! lingaw kaayo akong lab!!! balik lang ko train sa akong lab ug clicker kay murag nakalimot na siya... VERY NICE PLACE!!!

    Thanks to Ryan and Sir Jute

    Ry: Please PM me the registration form.
    We are more thankful you were able to visit us in our training ground. we hope we have contaminated you with our passion in dog training. Hope to stand by you til your first competition with Max. This are the Labs in the Phil. Agility. Just imagine yourself performing agilty with Max with this huge crowd at the background.

  7. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by koiboi View Post
    pwede ba kha dinhi ang pitbull nga showtype noh?. 2 months+ pman sad xa. then pila kaha bayad? pm lang if naa answer.
    Pitbulls are terrier line breed and they very agile in nature. You can train pits for personal protection,frisbee and agility. Just to show one pitbulls" Tosha" who is performing well in agility, frisbee and personal protection. Taken during agility competition in Bacolod.

  8. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by koiboi View Post
    pwede ba kha dinhi ang pitbull nga showtype noh?. 2 months+ pman sad xa. then pila kaha bayad? pm lang if naa answer.
    Pitbulls are terrier line breed and they are very agile in nature. You can train pits for personal protection,frisbee and agility. Just to show one pitbull" Tosha" who is performing well in agility, frisbee and personal protection.


  9. #29
    this ones nice! by the way pila ka months na dog ang pwede na ani? then pwede ba ko ka start ug march or april.. mao man na akong time na ma uli ko pinas gud

  10. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by Princess08 View Post
    this ones nice! by the way pila ka months na dog ang pwede na ani? then pwede ba ko ka start ug march or april.. mao man na akong time na ma uli ko pinas gud
    Puppy Agility Training

    You may be asking, "When can I start agility training with my new puppy?" Puppies are always learning, so every time you are with your pup you can be playing and socializing with agility in mind. Always remember, if you can control your puppies environment, you can teach and train the behaviors you want, left on their own, even in a fenced yard, puppies will learn and develop behaviors that later we may want or need to extinguish.

    One of the first behaviors we teach our pups is "Table" or "Box". This behavior transfers to the agility pause table. But more than that, the table is the center and control point of our puppy training. We introduce pups and older dogs to the table set at a 12 inch height. If you have a very small pup you could use an 8 inch table, but even with bigger dogs we use the 12 inch table and not higher. To begin, lure pup up on a low pause table, treat him for getting on the table. Once the pup is comfortable getting up on the table, then lure the pup up to a sit. You can also lure to a down.

    Next you want to work on distance to the table. If you have a person to help you you can use a white target plate on the table, take the pup and step back from the table about 3 feet. Have your helper make a noise to get the pup's attention, and place a treat on the table. Release your pup to, "Go table." The pup gets his reward only when getting up on the table. If you don't have a helper, than place your treat in a covered container that will be recognized as a treat box for your pup. Leave the treat container on the table, step away from the table about 3 feet, face the table and say, "Go Table".

    If your pup is very young, you can hold him as you lift him off the table and move away from the table. If your pup is too big for you to hold then use a flatbuckle collar and light dragline for your pup.

    Now introduce your jumps to your pup. But you are not going to use the jump bars yet. First you want your pup to go through or between the jump uprights. Set a jump about 4 feet away from your table. Take your pup to the other side of the jump. So you are lined up pup, jump, then table. You want to get your pups attention to the treat on the table, either with a helper or a treat container, release your pup to the table, "Go Table". Let the pup run ahead of you, but go meet him at the table so that he can get his treat, praise him then offer him another treat for sitting on the table.

    Progress with adding one extra jump at a time. Spacing the jumps about 3 feet apart. You are developing a jump chute that will lead the pup to the table. Remember your goal is to build the command, "Go" and "Table". You are also teaching the pup to move out ahead of you, working away from you and getting comfortable working around tables and jumps. Your pup is getting familiar running through the jump uprights, but you are not focusing on having your pup jump.

    With all your puppy training, have fun with your pup. Use all your puppies motivators, praise, toys, and food. It is up to you to be more interesting to your pup than all the other distractions out in the yard.

    Why not join us.... you will learn from us and most of all we will learn from you.... thats dog training.

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