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  1. #21

    Quote Originally Posted by Vortex_xxx View Post
    ok rana basta dili lang siya minor and happy mo duha...
    ya i also agree on that bro

  2. #22
    ok ra na sis. . .age doesn't matter as long as nagkasinabot mo sa usag uas ninyo, payts nana!!!

  3. #23
    Elite Member sandsss's Avatar
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    Society may make a big deal of it, but why should you care? It's your relationship, and if it makes you happy, then go for it. As said plenty of times, age is just a number. As long as you can both deal with each other and your issues, there should be no problem.

  4. #24
    ok rana bsta dli lng murag bata.. hehehe..

  5. #25
    hhhmmm...7 years gap? The cousin of my mother is 10 years older than her husband...

    my bf is 3 years younger than me...but i'm the one learning new things from him...maybe because i didn't become mature that fast. so it depends on the level of maturity, not the age I guess...

    just enjoy his company and be happy, that's all I can say...

  6. #26
    ok ra jud if the guy is younger than's not with the long as you both are happy together and agree in many things...and most of all..the guy isn't long as he talks with sense..

  7. #27
    when it comes to luv age doesnt matter as long as ur both happy..

  8. #28
    i dont tink dating or loving someone younger than you is such a bad idea...
    you know wat? my mom is 10 years older that my dad,
    and they are still together, inlove with each other for 20 years now

    College Dating Tips

  9. #29
    7 years gap is not a big deal... sa ila na gisulti depende ra jud na sa maturity...

  10. #30
    for me age doesnt matter bsag ang laki 20 plus pa ang gap or higher basta mgka sinabot mong duha and ur both happy together!!!!!

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