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Thread: Flamenco guitar

  1. #21

    can u teach me how to play flameco.. what is the basic progression?

  2. #22
    OT: Naay mag showdown?!?

    Kani mutan-aw jud ko ani! Bisan pag naay bayad!

  3. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by bryanarzaga View Post
    ot: i see, but you see some of us are not from the same location bro, and what im saying "hey post some clips of you playing" thats me being a guitar player, i for one am not trying to verify thats its you playing(since you put that word testimony right there)
    Bryan, i understand your point. This is not a classroom. This is a forum. I may share what i wish to share based on my EXPERIENCE, not a plagiarized 'article" or thought. It is to my
    preference whether to post some clips or vids. When i say testimony, let my "students" show
    what i taught them. Btw, why don't you contribute SOMETHING on this topic, instead of CRITICIZING ME? Share your thoughts about FLAMENCO for others sake!

    Quote Originally Posted by desertfox View Post
    the reason I'm asking is because I for one have learned my lesson about trying to "insert' some ideas in Spanish music w/c to Flamenco is a taboo (trust me no Spanish guitarist would want to hear of someone "bastardizing" their own music).
    so instead of bragging about your "discovered" diminished note ideas why not do justice on what you've said and post some clips and vids.
    Good morning bro. First of all. I AM NOT BRAGGING. I said i discovered, that to my account. Again, I do not boast of my capability to show my self greater than anyone here. I am contributing some ideas for some people here in Istorya who might benefit. IF IT DOESN'T BENEFIT TO ANYONE OF YOU, then keep your peace. I am very cordial to all of you so please STOP insinuating any angst. IF YOU THINK YOU ARE BETTER THAN ME, WELL TAKEN.

    Quote Originally Posted by bryanarzaga View Post
    or drop by sa ila desertfox na studio, that should do it..there's numerous amps to play with
    thank you bro, for the INVITATION.

    Quote Originally Posted by tackielarla View Post
    OT: Naay mag showdown?!?

    Kani mutan-aw jud ko ani! Bisan pag naay bayad!
    lol. entrance fee is tooo high. hahahahahahahaha

  4. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by tackielarla View Post
    OT: Naay mag showdown?!?

    Kani mutan-aw jud ko ani! Bisan pag naay bayad!
    ako sa libre lang...i-record (video) nya tackie...hehehe...

  5. #25
    Now now kids stop fighting.

    Moving forward, let's see this thread as an opportunity to learn from one another and not some "my schlong is longer than your schlong" contest. Let's put in our insights about the topic and just maybe, get together and have fun while gaining new (and useful) knowledge along the way.

    Can't we all just get along?

  6. #26
    and i say hey hey yeah hey what's going on?

  7. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by aeonstyle View Post
    Bryan, i understand your point. This is not a classroom. This is a forum. I may share what i wish to share based on my EXPERIENCE, not a plagiarized 'article" or thought. It is to my
    preference whether to post some clips or vids. When i say testimony, let my "students" show
    what i taught them. Btw, why don't you contribute SOMETHING on this topic, instead of CRITICIZING ME? Share your thoughts about FLAMENCO for others sake!
    Topic: i do enjoy flamenco, even if others despise AL dimeola,

    OT: if you think that is criticizing you have the wrong idea right there

  8. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by tackielarla View Post
    Now now kids stop fighting.

    Moving forward, let's see this thread as an opportunity to learn from one another and not some "my schlong is longer than your schlong" contest. Let's put in our insights about the topic and just maybe, get together and have fun while gaining new (and useful) knowledge along the way.

    Can't we all just get along?

    yeah show us some "schlong!" i mean vids. peace

  9. #29
    Quote Originally Posted by tackielarla View Post
    Now now kids stop fighting.

    Moving forward, let's see this thread as an opportunity to learn from one another and not some "my schlong is longer than your schlong" contest. Let's put in our insights about the topic and just maybe, get together and have fun while gaining new (and useful) knowledge along the way.

    Can't we all just get along?
    Wow, I'm humbled. Thank you John. You know what guys, he is Right, let's make this topic more trivial, exciting and insightful. If you don't know, admit it. Ask. Isn't it the right way to learn and grow? If you have something to contribute, share. Don't criticize. Instead start giving. If you have some videos or clips which you really like to share to further demonstrate, go ahead. Post it. Let's all be friends. Let us make ISTORYA not just a forum, but a haven for all Filipino musicians, transient and local, as their powerhouse of musical ideas and support group. Onwards Istoryans.

    On Flamenco, it is best to train your fingers with basic fingerstyle. Your thumb should play the 3 "bass" strings " 6, 5, 4" and your index, middle, and ring fingers should play the last 3 "treble strings" that are, "3, 2, 1". Use your pinkie finger to rest in the pick guard, just below the guitar sound hole. Please note that I'm using "bass" and 'treble' to put distinction between string sets.

    Basic Bass Fingerstyle:
    Pluck the 4th string (open D string) with your thumb, and as you hit the D chord. Pluck the 5th string as you play A chord. (open A string).Pluck the 6th string as you play the E chord. (Open E String).This is the basic bass finger style.

    For every bass string, pluck in succession the remaining treble strings.(B,G,E strings).
    Example. in E Major, hit the open E string with your thumb, and pluck the 3 open treble strings.

    Fingerstyle Inversions:
    Instead of plucking the strings, you can brush them with your fingers. To do that, hit any of the bass string as a pedal tone say open E, then with a flick of your wrist, "brush" or "rake" or "swipe" all the treble strings in downward motion. DO NOT SUSTAIN THE SOUNDS. Deaden the sustain by dampening your wrist just above the bridge to create a Staccato or "dead" sound. If you are familiar with Palm Technique in Palm Muting, that's exactly how it is done. This is the basic Flamenco.

    Basic Progression:
    I-ii-iii-ii-I. Gypsie Style

    This means I is the the key or the first major, ii is the sub-tonic or the 2nd major chord, and iii is the median or the third major chord and then, resolve to the key

    Chords: D-D#-F-D#-D. This is a very common progression seldom use to create a "flamenco" effect. Although all chords are in their basic major triad (3 notes) or tritone sound, the half step interval between D and D# signifies a flattened 2nd(D#) that is suitable for Phrygian Dominant modal application. Furthermore, the modern application of this mode was enhanced by Locrian mode to accentuate more tension and Spanish feel. You may use a Pentatonic minor but you have to use "parallel method". This method is common among jazz, and technical players since it requires you to play the scale according to the tonic. eg. D(D pentatonic) D#(D# Pentatonic) and so on. As you change chords, so does your scale.

    So in order for you to be more creative, you must use modes for this genre. Be passionate and brave with your playing. Mysterious and enigmatic, Flamenco is the music and dance of passion.

  10. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by bryanarzaga View Post
    Topic: i do enjoy flamenco, even if others despise AL dimeola,

    OT: if you think that is criticizing you have the wrong idea right there
    Al Di Meola is a jazz player. Latin Jazz is totally different from Flamenco. If you keep on bubbling without any contribution to this topic, it would be a shame. If i were you, I'd rather keep my mouth SHUT. This is my last say for this topic. Dig it!

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