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  1. #21

    ^^ pwde kaayu bro as long as AGP slot cya, mas maayu unta kung 8X pd imu AGP slot kay ang mga 7300gt ddr2 na agp is 8X.. doesn't matter kung ddr pa ang ram nimo, the ram in ur system have nothing to do with the ram sa video card, ma ddr na o ddr2 as long as the slot is compatible..

  2. #22
    ^^ yup,agp 8x to bro..thank you kaayo..

  3. #23

    lolz. nice info. i prefer coke zero thou.

  4. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by jiro View Post
    this of it this way
    A VC that is 1G 128bit

    1gig = Huge container
    128bit = small hole for the bottle

    A VC that is 512MB 256bit

    512mb = smaller container
    256bit = bigger hole for the bottle

    think of the water as the data, and the hole as the BITs.

    bigger container can hold more data so that leaves your computer to do other task.
    after filling it with water, it can now multitask and do other work. but still there's a limit of how fast the bottle can be emptied.

    but you dont really need all the containers, you need efficiency, when we play games, we usually close all running applications, the antivirus, all the programs not needed. usually dont need 1gig of data.
    when we need water, we want it fast. so Getorade can give that to you as fast as it could.

    Claro ba explanation?
    hahah. nice bro.. so gatorade dyud pilia bro TS kun magpalit kag VC..

  5. #25
    hahaha..educational kaayu ang istorya dah...nindot kaau ug analogy..

  6. #26
    good example ang ka-jiro.
    huh! giuhaw na noon ko..

  7. #27
    C.I.A. handsoff241's Avatar
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    karon pa ko ingun ana diay na, so kung mopalit ko ug vcard palit sad ko gatorade hehehe.
    very helpful! thanks
    pero, what does the numbers in vcards mean?
    asus 8500
    powercolor 6500,6000,5500,5000

    ug uban pa. pero naa na man silay memory ug bit rate.
    code number lang na sa ilang models or does it mean something?

  8. #28
    these are model numbers, they basically distinguish themselves from the rest of the card. there was an article in anandtech explaining ATI's naming schemes, i'll try to explain it as best as I can...


    found it!

    now on to the search for Nvidia naming.

  9. #29
    C.I.A. handsoff241's Avatar
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    poldopunk master!

    ana diay na master! nya ako asus 8500 gt ok ra na?

  10. #30
    for nvidia:

    GTX > GTS > GT > GSO > GS > LE

    *correct me if i'm wrong
    *feel free to add

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