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  1. #21
    C.I.A. -CL-'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MartinShortz View Post
    tried it once.

    sayang kaayo ang 700 per day. 1 day ra nuon ko na awol.


    anniversary. unavoidable kaayo, sexy kaayo ang gi-sulob sa gf noh.

    ..ahaha! kUyawA aH..heheehe.. d mAn Jud kAbalIbad.. tsk! Tsk!

  2. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by bachelle1130 View Post
    ka.try ko ani sauna, oh well, "part time" job ra man pud to.. hehe.. pero consequences? kana jung employment cert, labi na if dugay naka sa company, ma.TY imo experience.. sayang, pang.additional na unta sa Resume..
    so if ni awol den dugay nka ana nga company, dili nlng nmu ibutang na ni work ka ato nga company sa imu resume? dli cla mu ask kaha asa ka ni work ato na mga years?

  3. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by keczianthei View Post
    so if ni awol den dugay nka ana nga company, dili nlng nmu ibutang na ni work ka ato nga company sa imu resume? dli cla mu ask kaha asa ka ni work ato na mga years?
    kay if nag.awoL ka then naa sa imong resume, the next compny will most likely ask for an employment cert. if you're not cleared, of course you cant present any cert.. then they will think sad jud na you were not cleared, maybe for dubious reasons whatsoever.. maybe they'll ask asa ka ana nga time, diskarte na cguro na nimo.. hehe..

  4. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by bachelle1130 View Post
    kay if nag.awoL ka then naa sa imong resume, the next compny will most likely ask for an employment cert. if you're not cleared, of course you cant present any cert.. then they will think sad jud na you were not cleared, maybe for dubious reasons whatsoever.. maybe they'll ask asa ka ana nga time, diskarte na cguro na nimo.. hehe..
    mau jud.. diskarte na lang.. hehehe.. wala pa man pud noun ko kasuway aning mga awol awol.. eheheheh.. pero ako mga kaila nag awol man.. lain lain pud reason.. hehehe.. ang usa kay gikapuy na sa trabaho kay poul kay sige rag alas 2 ang sked niya.. ma buang xa apas sa iya business (lechon manok) nya mag work pa jud..

  5. #25
    nakasuwai ko anang AWOL kay gituyo man nako...wa na ko ganahe balik sa work nako ato kay kapoi kau hapit ala nay uliay..tapos stress pa jud kau...den may gani nakaresign ra sad ko...hehehe...pero ala ra nako sya giapil sa work experience nako sa resume kay bati mora ra ug alay kwenta...hehehe...

  6. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by bachelle1130 View Post
    kay if nag.awoL ka then naa sa imong resume, the next compny will most likely ask for an employment cert. if you're not cleared, of course you cant present any cert.. then they will think sad jud na you were not cleared, maybe for dubious reasons whatsoever.. maybe they'll ask asa ka ana nga time, diskarte na cguro na nimo.. hehe..
    char2x nalang gud if mangutana.. ingnon lang nga wala pud klaro ang management... specially HR.

  7. #27
    mao jud.. its not what you say, but how you say it..

  8. #28
    waaah.. kep em commming'''

  9. #29
    i've awol once... giyawa2x ko sa akong boss.... na wala koy sala... pq to him

  10. #30
    If nag AWOL ka, then during the next job interview la ka plan isulti about previous work nimo, ma trace man gihapon sa imo SSS contribution kay mo reflect ang name sa previous company name sa hehehehe, If ever pud imo i-sulti na nag AWOL ka, dapat naa ka solid na diskarte

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