View Poll Results: What Weekend Day best to hold the Tournament for you?

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  • Best on a Saturday!

    27 75.00%
  • Best on a Sunday!

    9 25.00%
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Results 21 to 30 of 548
  1. #21

    Default Re: Tournament in PSP in the month of April...

    vitus tennis 3 para maka apil sad kanang dele haod ug away2x

  2. #22

    Default Re: Tournament in PSP in the month of April...

    NBA 08..

  3. #23

    Default Re: Tournament in PSP in the month of April...

    @neo ako nalang tournament director hahahaha

  4. #24

    Default Re: Tournament in PSP in the month of April...

    murag ang first prize ani psp jod dah ................. basig ang abs cbn ang mo cover ani.................................

  5. #25

    Default Re: Tournament in PSP in the month of April...

    consolation prize lang ng psp woi...first would be ps3 with 80gb hd loaded with games and appz + game disc complete with hd tv unta...second is xbox360, third is wii...

  6. #26

    Default Re: Tournament in PSP in the month of April...

    lamia gud sa prize,ps3 jud...kng every game in ani ang prize,perting lamia,hehehe..
    oki na kaau sa akoa ang consolation,lipay na kaau ko...hehehe


    kuya sali ka sa tekken ha, pgnatalo kita me 4gb ako ha,hehehe

  7. #27

    Default Re: Tournament in PSP in the month of April...

    This would be impressive if the tourney dates would fall on a weekend...

  8. #28

    Default Re: Tournament in PSP in the month of April...

    My recommendations:

    1. Killzone
    2. Fight Night
    3. Tekken
    4. NBA Live 08

    Good idea boss Neos.

  9. #29

    Default Re: Tournament in PSP in the month of April...

    im into race games.

    1. NFS (any episode)
    2. MTX mototrax (spacially freestyle moto X challenge)

  10. #30

    Default Re: Tournament in PSP in the month of April...

    Quote Originally Posted by vinCE__
    lamia gud sa prize,ps3 jud...kng every game in ani ang prize,perting lamia,hehehe..
    oki na kaau sa akoa ang consolation,lipay na kaau ko...hehehe


    kuya sali ka sa tekken ha, pgnatalo kita me 4gb ako ha,hehehe
    Malugi ana c NEOS kung PS3 ang prize. Hahah.

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