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Thread: Matthew 6:24

  1. #21
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    Yup I agree as well to your last remarks, there is always differences, but it's not always confined to religion, for there is what we call political beliefs as well. The reason will always dwindle down on idealism and beliefs, the introduction and adherence of what is right and what is wrong. Sad to say we have the same kind of brain, but with such a lot of difference in thinking.....
    Last edited by Tirong-say; 01-18-2010 at 04:08 PM.

  2. #22
    So would you say the "perfect religion" holds no prejudice against people of all walks of life? Obviously, the religious norms and "ideals" presented here are far from that.

    Politics is another thing- I think it knows no ideals. It's merely a game for people seeking public service (or power) where winning/losing depends on how you play it. Religion, however, seeks holiness/divinity, and with that in mind, it's only right that it sets examples of unity/love/equality among peoples.
    Last edited by tingkagol; 01-18-2010 at 04:21 PM.

  3. #23
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    The very foundation of a religion is "belief", we could not say prejudice for the denominations in faith has it's own belief, and neither one nor the other could absorb each others belief, but merely the reason would be as to uphold "what is to believe".

    So what about communism, democratic...etc, don't they have ideals?...

  4. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by Tirong-say
    merely the reason would be as to uphold "what is to believe".
    True. I just believe that it is this "upholding of beliefs" that divides a lot of people (case in point, the topic starter).

    I stand corrected about political governments- they do have ideals. My mind was at a different place when I first thought of "politics".

  5. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by tingkagol View Post
    True. I just believe that it is this "upholding of beliefs" that divides a lot of people (case in point, the topic starter).

    I stand corrected about political governments- they do have ideals. My mind was at a different place when I first thought of "politics".
    Yup Bro, it's quite nice to converse with an open minded person, like you....
    Thanks for your time....
    God bless.......

  6. #26
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    @TS try to evaluate this first before you think something else...

    For richer or for poorer
    For better or for worst
    In sickness and in health

    can you say I DO? if not then its not worth the effort brad... move on...

    Just accept the fact that religion divides people. It even divide morality ( good and evil). We cannot help it bro. Things are there for a purpose and reason. Gud luck.
    Last edited by kebot; 01-18-2010 at 06:50 PM.

  7. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by tingkagol View Post
    That's a shame. She's unknowingly putting herself in the position to deny a genuine love, so it's her loss as much as it is yours. But regardless of her religion/family/culture, perhaps she needs to be reminded that love is still just love, despite of its many forms.

    In my opinion, there is no religion or scripture above love, or worth denying love (even if it explicitly says so). I would blame it on the family's spousal preferences to outright religious racism, two things clearly manifested in the girl's "understanding" of the said scripture.

    On a much broader note, isn't it funny that most religions speak of unity, but actively seek to divide themselves from the people who have different faiths vs their own. It's ironic and extremely hypocritical don't you think?
    i really agree on this.. i really don't understand what's their real goal in life... because if you try to look it in our perspective, they isolated themselves from anybody else... i dunno what's your opinion in this... they're not that open to others, though they always spread their faith... they're kinda already dominant here in cebu... they have a very strong faith the same way the muslims have theirs...

    for me, since am not that enlighted yet... i really don't see any significance on this matter... it's like some old fashioned way of living that isolates them from the rest of the modern day people and ideology...

  8. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by prukutung View Post
    "No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon."
    What's your point of view on this? is it in any way related into a relationship?
    i mean.. for example... i have this certain girl... we're both christians yet we dun have the same faith... and they have a different name for their God...
    the thing is that, she pointed this verse as one of her reasons why she should break-up, i ain't a bible freak like her.. but i really see no significance on this certain verse on our relationship issue...
    we have the same christian faith.. but the only thing that separates us is this principle.. which is strictly implemented on their holy grounds...
    i didn't post this on the relationship forum because i want this topic directed on theological and philosophical basis... not merely on love common sense or something...
    In this verse Jesus Christ is saying that We can't serve two masters, FAIRLY.
    GOD should be on priority, we should not love the other more than Christ.
    And Christ is talking about HIM and Mammon.
    Are your BF,GF,BOSS,Friends,Family and Love ones is a Mammon?


  9. #29
    that's actually what am asking about... i dun know the connection between mammon and me...

  10. #30
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    daghan sigoro ka og kwarta bai mao ng mora ka og god of wealth ma ong ipa avoid ka, kay she can't serve two masters man.

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