ako mga migo kay Rusi Swave 125 (Mio Sporty clone)
2 years na
4th month nasira yung diaphragm(fuel system)
5th month naputol ang speedo cable
6th month had to replace the carbon brush of the e-starter
7th month tumirik, spark plug died on me...
9th month side stand broke off
1 year pipe broke off due to rust
1 year nag yellow na ang headlights
1 year 6 months change belt used the mio belt
had a few bad days with her but
no complaints barato ra kau
may pagka tapulan sad ko sa maintenance
usahay abtan ug 5 or 6months before change oil
but payter man ug makina

me, my wife and son went to mountain view last sunday
kaya ra kau niya
at only 1800 per month after rebates
im not complaining
im getting more than my moneys worth
btw daily driver diay ni akong inday swave