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First thing i think you should do is disconnect the set up... start your car then totally disconnect the battery to see if the car will still run.. If it does then that means your charging system is ok, meaning the alternator is fine. Turn off the car and reconnect your battery and check your positive and negative battery connections to make sure that they are tight.
if they are i think you should rule out any ground problems... do this by rechecking your grounds.. they should be on bare metal to the chasis and not more than a few feet long. if you can take pics and post them of your grounds then that would be great.
if the grounds are surely okay, then move to your RCA's. try disconnecting your RCA's to see if there still is a noise. if there isn't then try switching out your RCA's with another.. Also, RCA's should be on the oppsite side of your power.
If you still have a problem with noise after checking the grounds and RCA's then go to the amps and make sure that all your connections at tightly secured. Are your amps mounted to bare metal? if so, then try to put something under and see if that changes anything... Also make sure that no wires or strands of wires aren't touching anything else...
get back to use once you have the results. good luck!