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A message from Mama Mary
“The destiny of every man lies in the
hands of the Eternal Father, My child. We
are much distressed to find many of Our
children becoming engrossed in this
game, My child, of astrology. Do they
not understand that it is promoted by
satan to deceive them? The Eternal
Father has the destiny of each man, for
He has created him, My child. There is
not a stone or a star, or a dark light—and
I say dark, because we must not confuse
this with the light from Heaven, My
child—there is no manner of metal, or
light, or heat, or radiation that has an
effect on man’s future.
“I shall not enlarge upon this statement
at this time, My child, for it is very
complicated to most human beings.
However, I will repeat Myself: astrology
is a false science, created by satan. Also
you will make it known, My child, that
there is only one spirit for one body.
There is no reincarnation. That is also a
fallacy and deception given to the
world’s people by satan.
“You may enlarge upon this by stating,
My child, that at the end of time, the
General Judgment, each soul will be
reunited with its body at the general
resurrection of mankind. Now if you
were, My child, to have more than one
body, what body shall We place that one
spirit into? You see, My child, for those
minds that have not been clouded by
satan, it is easy to understand that it is a
falseness that has been sent upon the
minds of Our children by satan. It is truly
a battle of the spirits.”
Our Lady, August 5, 1975